Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I rolled over and Niall was still fast asleep. Light snores were coming from his side of the bed. It feels weird to say that. His side of the bed. Who knew just a few months ago we would be reunited again? Because I honestly thought I would never hear from him again. Then again if he didn’t happen to teach at the college I chose then I probably wouldn’t have heard from him.

I have been spending the last few nights here. Tori was getting a little suspicious of where I’ve been but I told her I met someone and we’ve been having fun. Of course she pushed for more juicy details but she knows I like to keep my love life kind of private and when I’m ready to talk about it I will. Obviously I am nowhere close to ready.

I slowly crept out from under the covers, my legs resting off the side of the bed. I stretched my arms and yawned. I didn’t want to go to class this morning. I wanted to spend all day in bed with Niall. It was nice that we could actually spend time together without the constant risk factor involved. We could still get caught but now I don’t have my parents watching my every move.

Niall’s hand gripped my waist and pulled me back down on the bed when I tried to stand up. “Stay with me” he said in his morning voice. It was beautiful.

“I have to get to class.”

“I’m not done with you yet” he protested, still holding on to me so I couldn’t get up.

“I’m going to be late” I argued.  

“I’ll make it worth it” he raised his eyebrows. He kissed my shoulder, slowly making his way up to my neck. “I know you want to stay.”

“I have to go. Math 101 is very important” I said sarcastically.

“Please stay.” I could hear the pleading his voice and it made me want to just give in to him. “You’ve been teasing me for the past week now. I can’t take much more.”

“You can wait a little longer.” I stood up from the bed finding my clothes to put back on. Once I was fully dressed I grabbed my bag and made my way out of his bedroom. “I’ll see you around Professor Horan” I winked as I walked out the room.

“I hate you Kellie.”

“You should” I laughed.

It was difficult to sit through class. Math was the easiest subject for me and this course was too boring. My insides were stirring. I was pining for Niall just as bad as he was. It was killing me to resist him but I had to. Whatever we had last time was all about sex. I was falling for him but who knows if he felt the same way. He liked me, yes, but that doesn’t mean he wanted much more. We were having a good time, enjoying each other. This time around I wanted things to be different.

In the middle of class my phone buzzed in my bag. The teacher was writing something on the board so I checked it quick.

From Niall: Come over tonight. I have a surprise for you ;)

I rolled my eyes and put my phone away. Professors are worse about cell phone use than teachers in high school.

I knew what Niall’s surprise was. It was definitely something to get me to sleep with him. I might just have to give in tonight. We were always playing these games with each other. Pushing the other one to the limit before leaving them there craving more. I was over the games. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to go out in public with him and it be okay. I wanted to tell my parents about our relationship without the fear of them freaking out. I needed to know he was serious about us this time. That he wasn’t just going to walk out again when things got tough.

I ran into Louis and Tori during our lunch break. “Hey guys. How you’ve been?” I asked both of them. I haven’t talked to either of them for more than 5 minutes in the past week.

Consequences (Breaking All the Rules Sequel)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя