Chapter 4: The New Duo

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Brianna's P.O.V.

     Willow and I arrive at Safeway, parking next to a mini car that's so bright it nearly blinds me. We each grab a shopping cart and steer them inside the grocery store. 

     When the glass slide doors open up for us, a rush of cold air blows through like a hurricane. 

     "Brr! It's freaking cold in here!" I say as goosebumps form all over my arms. 

     "No it's not. It feels perfectly fine," Willow says. 

     "Shut up, man! I'm not the one here who has a supernatural resistance to freezing places!" 

     She shrugs her shoulders, acting like it's normal to be known for liking cold temperatures. "It's not much of a resistance. I'm just used to cooler air." 

     "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." 

     We walk through the aisles, observing all the various items in silence. I hate it when our conversations end like this. They fill the space between us with awkwardness. 

     Still looking at the assorted objects, I suddenly feel a slap on my arm. My eyes rise up from the bottom rack of cake mixes to Willow's face. Anxiety and excitement collide together into one facial expression. 

     "Dude, what's going on?" 

     Her head nods in the opposite direction of us. My cheeks immediately start heating up when I catch sight of the source of her nervous state. Two boys stand at the end of the aisle, browsing what seems like cooking spray and other things. They look like seniors, except I've never seen them before at Grants Pass High School. 

     Willow takes a deep breath and laughs. I start laughing with her because of her funny expression. She always makes the weirdest and silliest faces when we suddenly start crushing on guys, which is very rare since most of the boys at our school are jerks. 

     We wipe away our tears of laughter as we try to calm down. These are some of my most favorite moments with Willow, the ones where we are carefree without giving a crap. 

     Once the nerves within our bodies have become normal again, we glance at the two guys. My stomach drops when I see their eyes looking straightly at the both of us. 

     "Holy crap! They're freaking staring back at us!" I whisper to Willow. 

     "I know!" she whispers back. 

     "Which one do you like?" 

     Her face shows thinking, and then she replies, "The boy with the dark brown hair." 

     Indeed, he is cute. His tall height, dark brown hair, blue eyes, and lightly tanned skin collaborate very well together. However, the other one draws my attention more. Blond hair that's the color of the sun and blue eyes like the ocean. God, he's hot. 

     "Oo! Someone likes a special someone too!" Willow teases. 

     I elbow her in the ribs, making her grunt a little. Sometimes, she can be the most embarrassing friend on the face of the earth. 

     Suddenly, the two guys start walking in our direction. Panic mode takes control of me. 

     "What are we going to do? They're coming this way right now!" I urge. 

     "We just need to act like ourselves. If we're going to crush on them, we should at least make sure they're not douche bags." 

     Willow is so wise. Thank goodness she's here with me, or else I probably would have sprinted out the store without buying anything. Guys kind of make me nervous, as you can tell. 

     "Just stay calm, just stay calm," I think to myself. 

     Ello, mates! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it's a little short, but oh well! If y'all liked it, please rate it and check back on my story when I update the next chapter in an hour! Hugs and kisses to you all! 


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