Chapter 23: The Promises

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Willow's P.O.V.

     Everything would be so perfect right now if it wasn't for my cancer. Me laying with Colby, our arms wrapped around each other as we talk about random things. There's no place I'd rather be than with Colby, even if it's in a hospital. 

     The door to my room opens, with Brianna and Sam entering. Both of their faces are red and a little swollen. They must have been crying. My heart hurts at the thought of them breaking down because of me. It makes me feel guilty about having cancer, even though it's out of my control. 

     Colby untangles himself from me and gets off the bed to stand next to Sam. When he leaves, the large space beside me feels too empty and cold. I don't like it. Brianna walks over to my bed and sits on it, placing herself next to my legs. She puts one of her hands on mine, iciness seeping into my skin as she does so. 

     "Gosh, Brianna. Your hands are freezing," I say. 

     "It's pretty chilly outside." 

     Tension hangs in the air for a moment until Sam says, "Well, Colby and I are going to talk outside for a few minutes. We'll give y'all some privacy." 

     "Thank you," Brianna says. 

     The two boys leave the room, shutting the door behind them gently. Brianna and I just stare at each other quietly, letting the silence speak a thousand words. The atmosphere becomes heavy with emotion, filled with sadness, anger, and fright. Finally, one of us speaks. 

     "I need to say some things to you, Willow. And when I do say them, don't get mad me," Brianna says. 

     "What is it?" 

     She sighs. "I'm just going to be honest with you. I am angry and so worried about your situation. I mean, one day, I could get a phone call at school that tells me you died or something!" Her voice starts rising into a louder volume as she continues. "You don't deserve this! You shouldn't have to go through this mess where you could die! I can't lose you! I just- I can't!" 

     I quickly wrap my arms around her, squeezing her tight. She sobs into my hug, not lifting a single finger. Seeing her like this kills me. It's so hard to do or say anything to her when I want to cry myself. 

     "Brianna, you're not going to lose me. I will never leave you behind. I'll always be with you in whatever form I am." Teardrops start falling from the corners of my eyes as I carry on. "Never will I forget you or lose my love for you. You'll always be my best friend, even if I die. And right now, as God allows me to live for this moment, I need you to promise me something."

     She sniffles, asking, "What?"

     "Promise me that no matter what happens, you will stay strong and continue to be you. Promise me that you won't commit any self harm to yourself if I pass away. I need you to stay alive and well, otherwise my death would be in vain." 

     Brianna sobs some more as she chokes out, "I-I pr-promise." 

     Since I've finally gotten those words out, I place my head on top of Brianna's, and start to cry along with her. My chest aches from breathing so hard, but I need this, to sob out all of my feelings that I've been hiding since I found out about my diagnosis. 

     After several minutes of me hugging Brianna and crying along with her, Sam and Colby reenter the room. They don't say a word about what's going on right now, but instead, they sit next to us and hug us both. 

     "I love you all," I whisper. 

     And I always will, for no other people matter to me more than these three. 

     Hey there! I hope you all liked this chapter! I know it was kinda short, but I hope the emotions and build up made up for that! If you did enjoy reading this, make sure to rate it and comment your thoughts on it down below! 

     The next chapter will be updated tomorrow, so make sure to come back to view it! Love and hugs to you all! 

Q: Favorite show(s)?

A: The Vampire Diaries, Star Crossed, and Spongebob Squarepants. 


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