Chapter Ten

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The impact of the blast felt like an earthquake only stronger and more powerful. The smoke was so thick you couldn't see in front of you and breathing was becoming quite difficult. Voices could be heard they sounded panicked and frantic, but yet so far away.

Bulma had been checking on Riley when the explosion occurred. The force of it knocked Bulma right off her feet,items falling off shelves, and crashing to the ground. While glass shatters into millions of tiny pieces. When she was finally able to get to her feet, she noticed dots of blood on the floor. Suddenly her head gave a painful throb which made her let out a hiss from her lips. The blue haired women then concluded she had in fact hit her head on something and that was her bright red blood on the floor. "Riley? Where are you? Are you okay?" Bulma yelled her voice all raspy from breathing in smoke and dust. "I'm...*cough*......over here...*cough*" Riley's little helpless voice. Bulma strained her ears to hear the young girl's words and voice but managed to find her way through the rumble and smoke. "Don't worry. I've got you" the mother comforted as she took the child into her arms and tried finding the way out of the room. "Bulma" the girl rasped weakly. "Yes, sweetie? What is it?" Finally the smoke was clearing which was making breathing easier for both people. "We...*cough* We're tra...*cough* trapped" Riley choked out harshly. Bulma froze right in her tracks she couldn't believe what she had just heard. "WHAT!?" I older women shrieked and looked at the little girl in her arms. Bulma continued on to the door but before she could go any farther, she say what Riley had met. The glass from sliding glass door had shattered in but to make matters worse, the emergency doors had come down and locked in place. The power being out they couldn't unlock them.
They really were trapped.

I'm super sorry about the short chapter! Blame writer's block because I hate it!!


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