"Why are you smoking?"

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"Goddammit rain, really?"
I grumble looking at the rain hitting the automatic doors. Nervously twiddling a cigarette in between my fingers I decide that I'm going to smoke, even if it means getting kicked out of the hospital.
I scan a hospital map that has been plastered to the wall for at least a couple years and decide that the single occupancy bathrooms would be the best option for not getting caught.
Following directory lines on the tiles I walk evenly on the faded purple line.
As I get to the bathroom I hop on the sink and light my cigarette, staring at the faded poster stating hospital rules and emergency instructions. It doesn't take long for my mind to stop spinning, all that remains is a subtle throbbing.
Suddenly the door opens and a tan girl with fire engine red hair steps in. She gives me a half disgusted look and slides past me, towards the toilet. "Look lung cancer girl, I gotta piss and I'm going to regardless if you're in here or not."
I chuckle, "Lung cancer girl, really? Also knock yourself out with the whole peeing thing." I draw another drag from the cigarette and watch her in amusement as she stares at me for half a second in annoyance.
"You really aren't going to leave?"
I smirk, "This is the only place to smoke in the hospital, so no."
"Well you aren't supposed to smoke in a hospital anyways, it's dangerous to some of the patients and something to do with the air," She shakes her head unbuttons her pants and proceeds to pee, "Why are you smoking?"
I sigh, rubbing my cigarette out on the faded porcelain sink. "Best friend is in a coma and I'm all alone."
"That sucks man..."
"Honestly its whatever, why are you here? No offense but you look completely out of place."
She laughs buttoning up her pants, flushing, and walking over to the sick that I'm sitting on. I slide off and lean against the door.
"None taken, I'm here for a friend too." She quickly washes her hands, pats them on her jeans, and fiddles with her hair in the mirror.
"Do you mind me asking what they're being treated for?"
"Nawh, she's in for treating her anorexia."
"Wow, that must be really tough to go through as her friend..." I pause and grab my phone, extending it out to her I decide to ask for her phone number. She smirks types it in and hands me it back, "I'll text you later lung cancer..." And with that she slides past me and leaves the bathroom.

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