chapter 8

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*Jayy POV*

We are going out when my phone goes off.

*Phone text* (J-Jayy D-Danial)

D- hey babe

J- what the fuck do you want

D- :( awe you would talk to me like that

J- Yes i hate you

*end of texts*

"Jayy" Andy said. "yea" I say. "what do you want to drink" he asked. "you have to ask" I say "you never know" he said chuckling.

*Andy POV*

I could tell something was bothering him since we left the bus. Ill ask later if i dont get drunk. "here ya go" I say to Jayy. "thanks Hun" he says, i smile. Jayy went to the bathroom. "Dahv do you know whats wrong with Jayy" I asked Dahv. "No i was gonna ask you" he replies. "im worried" I say. "its good bro ill talk to him""ok thanks Dahv" I say.

*Dahvie POV*

"hey Jayybear" I say. "yeah what" he asked. "did Andy send you in here" he added. "nope just me. whats going on? we can tell theres something bothering you" I asked. "well its Danial hes been texting me and with him threatening Andy i dont want to worry him anymore" he says. "ah bro im here for you, i think you should tell Andy tho" i say, he shook his head. "ok bro do what you feel is right" i say. "ill tell him just not right now" he said. I nodded and went back out to find a completely drunk Andy. "who gave him the jack" i asked. "i did" Ash said. "why" i asked. "so Jayy could get laid" Ash said. "i dont think he needs a drunk Andy" Jinxx said laughing. I laughed too. I saw Jayy coming. "Incoming" i say.

*Jayy POV*

"hes drunk aint he" i asked. "yes" Dahv answered. "ok this is gonna be fun" i say jokingly. "it should be" Jake smirked. "oh and how do you know have you ever slept with Andy" I asked. "no" they say in unison. "well im not gonna lie hes like a god in bed" i smirked. Everyone's eyes got wide. "Jayybear" Andy cooed. "yes prince" i say. "come sit next to me" he said. I moved next to him. I got caught by surprise when he kissed me. I kissed back tho. All the guys were watching us. Dahv was chuckling, i could hear him. I broke the kiss. "Cmon prince sit here" i say. Dahv smiled. "what" i asked. "your gonna have fun"he said. I smiled "yes i am". "guys we should go" Jinxx said. I nodded. We got back to the bus and i grabbed my jack and my Andy. We went to the room. I shut the door. Andy then swung around smashing his lips to mine. I kissed back. "hey take your cloths off ok" i say. He did, he was laying on the bed. I get on the bed next to him. I have the jack, i took a swig. I poured some on Andys stomach, then i started licking it off. He was moaning really loud now. I smirked against his flesh.

(skip to the last night on tour) *Andy POV*

I woke up and put some batman pj pants on. I walk down into the living area, Dahv was awake watching TV. "Hey Dahv" i whispered. "Hey Andy what are you doing awake" he asked. "i just woke up" i said. "im gonna watch TV with you" i added. "ok bro" he said."im gonna go get a shirt first" i said. He smiled at me. I walk upstairs to see Jayy cuddled to Daniels chest. I grab my phone, cigs, shirt, and my boots, then i walk out slamming the door behind me. i woke everyone up.

*Dahvie POV*

I heard a door slam then Andy running down the stairs in tears. "whats wrong Andy" i asked. "why dont you ask Jayy and Danial" he yelled threw tears. "what" i asked confused. Then Jayy was behind Andy. "babe come on please let me explain"Jayy said threw tears. Andy just ran away. "Jayy let him go" i said "he needs time, but what happened?" i asked. "Danial i woke up in Danials arms i thought it was Andy tho, hes going to ruin me and Andy if its not already to late" he said. "let me talk to him" i said. I go look for Andy and i couldnt find him. I run back to the bus. "guys you know Andy where would he go?" i asked the guys. "home" CC said. "Or bar" Ash said. "or one of our houses" Jake and Jinxx said. "will you guys keep Jayy calm"i asked.

*Jayy POV*

I woke up to a door slam and looked up not at Andy but at Danial. "how the fuck did you get in here" i snapped. He pointed to the closet. He saw everything that night. "FUCK YOU DANIAL" I yell. FUCK ANDY. I ran down stairs and see Andy crying and Dahv asking what happened. "why dont you ask Jayy and Danial" he said. "What" Dahv said confused. "babe come on let me explain" I said threw tears. Andy ran out of the bus. I tryed to follow but Dahv stopped me. Then i explained what happened to Dahv. He went to look for Andy and couldnt find him, he came back and asked the guys where he goes when hes upset. Then Danial came down. "awe whats wrong babe" he says. "FUCK YOU DANIAL" I yell. The guys have confused looks on their faces. I stand up my hands balled into fists. The guys stayed out of my way. I attacked Danial, but next thing i know Jinxx is calling the cops, Ash is calling Dahv, and CC and Jake are at my side. I notice im bleeding and Danials gone. He stabbed me. The cops and ambulance got there and Dahv was too, they took me too the hospital.

*Ashley POV*

"Ash try and call Andy" Dahv yelled. I nodded. I called Andy and he answered.

*phone call* (Ash- as Andy-A)

A- what

As- where are you Andy im coming to get you

A- the bar


*end of phone call*

I saw Andy with a bottle of Jack. I could tell he was crying. "hey Andy come on lets get out of here" i say. He got up and we walked to the car. 10 minutes later i pulled up in front of the hospital. "why the hell are we here" he said. "Cmon i have something to show you" i say. He got out of the car. We walked to a room and Jayy was on the hospital bed. Andy froze when he saw Jayy. Dahv ran over to Andy. "Andy you have to be here for him" Dahv said to Andy. Andy dropped to the floor. Me and Dahv picked Andy up and took him to the chair. Then me and Dahv went to the waiting room with the guys.

*Andy POV*

"why the hell are we here" i snapped. "Cmon i have to show you something" Ash said. We got to a room and i froze, i saw Jayy on the bed. Dahv ran over to me. They put me in the car next to the bed. They went to the waiting room with the guys. I walked to the bed. " I Love You Jayy please wake up i cant go on with out you" i said threw tears. I kissed his hand and sat down still holding his hand.

(3 hours later)

I must've fallen asleep. I woke up to someone saying my name. I looked up and saw Jayy staring at me. I jumped up and hugged him. He winced at me hugging him because of the wound. "im sorry" i say. "its ok, but why are you here i dont like you seeing me like this" he said. "Ash and Dahv got me to come" i say. He nods. "Listen im so sorry Andy" he said trying to sit up. "i had noo idea Danial was there" he added. "its ok all i know is i love you and all i need to know is you love my the way i love you" i say. "yes i love you more than anything" he said. I kissed him. The guys came in and saw us kissing. "Woah dont have sex in the hospital"Ash and CC said. We laughed.

Jandy (Andy Biersack and Jayy von monroe)Where stories live. Discover now