3: they don't even brush their teeth

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4: they don't even brush their teeth


We’re sitting on the floor still. We sat there through the long silence as we hear the bathroom door shut and then open again maybe three or four minutes later. We sat there through the cat-calls and wolf-whistles when Emmaleigh finally made it back downstairs. They all wanted to know who she made out with, but Jessica insisted, very loudly, that it was just a kiss, it just took her a while to set it up right.

“Do you think she wanted to kiss me?”

Trust Matt to ask that question. Regardless, I give him a straight answer.

“No. I think she was a little more upset about the fact that you’d rather have kissed a horse. That kind of stuff hurts you know.”

“Please! You were the one who said you’d rather kiss a moose!”

“I didn’t mean it offensively! It’s just a...Belgian expression...” Oh my God. Could my excuse get any lamer?

“Hey, I wasn’t saying she’s ugly. She’s kinda cute and she’s only a year younger than us. It’s just...I mean, come on! She’s been Jess’s best friend forever! Thinking about her like that is just...revolting.” There’s a knock on the door and Jessica pokes her head in.

“I just wanted to thank you for not kissing her, Matt,” she says. “Emmaleigh’s really shy and just asking you guys...well, let’s just say she’s not the life of the party right now. So if you had actually kissed her, she probably would have freaked out or something.” Matt waves a hand.

“Wouldn’t dream of it. Trust me.” She smiles and shuts the door. There’s a long awkward silence as Jessica’s words sink in. Not the life of the party, huh?

“We’re going to have to do something,” Matt says finally. I nod.

“But what?”

When the whispers finally die down, we start tiptoeing down the stairs. The moonlight shines through the window, lighting up some of the faces.

“Found her!” Matt whispers. I walk over.

“Okay, now what?” I whisper back.

“Pick her up.”

“Just do it,” he hisses. I sigh and lean down. She’s wearing sweatpants and a hoodie to shield from the cold night. Thank God she didn’t go for short-shorts and a tank. I probably would’ve dropped her. I was getting nervous as it was and I haven’t even touched her yet. I slip my arms under her, a light floral scent wafting into my nose.

“She smells nice,” I whisper to myself.

“What?” Matt asks. I just shake my head and lift her up. She wakes up slightly.

“Wait. Put me...blueberries...” she falls back asleep. I try not to laugh. Blueberries?

We put her in the car and start driving. Matt parks outside some 24-hour fast food place.

“What the hell?” I ask, tapping his arm. “You don’t apologize to a girl with fast food!”

He snaps.

“What the hell do you want me to do, then? It’s flipping three in the morning and here we are dragging out some girl we don’t even--” I slap a hand over his mouth.

“Shut up, you’ll only make things worse,” I snap. Matt ruffles his hair and yawns.

“Sorry, man. I’m just hella tired, you know?” A delicate hand taps on my shoulder.

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