Chapter 2

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Gloria's POV

It's 6:04 in the morning and I don't feel like getting up at all. Why does this feel like I'm going to school? Well I am going to school except that I'm not a student but a teacher. I'm still staying with unhealthy food: noodles. I seriously have no idea what to do with the refrigerator. Even with the manual it's still hard to mantle. Maybe there's food in school. I should just probably buy something else in there for lunch. Enough with laying down. I seriously should get up.


It's my first day in school..well, but for work and I'm assigned as a music and arts teacher for kindergarten and elementary. Supposed to be I am only to part-time as a music instructor for clubs but if I stick with that I would not get enough money for my payment. I decided to pursue with music and arts then. 

Though music is only my forte and not that expectedly good in arts they don't necessarily need an art-relating-course graduate to take this job anyways <because they are secretly out of teachers even if it's a private music school.> Still I won't try to underestimate myself with this job but instead I would do my best to teach the students well.

I guess this would be my life every weekdays: where I'd get to see a lot of smiling faces of children and get to hear a lot of questions. It's fun! Though I'd get really exhausted when I come home but just to have a profession like this is something that I'm truly thankful. I'd get to meet a lot of new people, experience and learn new things each and everyday... That's just something beyond that I can ask for! 

But still, even with that my mind is flowing to one question... 

Just what was that Korean guy's name? 

Every night, I would come home by 6pm and I wouldn't actually ever see him. I wonder what's his job? Does he work very late, or come home late, or does he even work?!


The next week has passed, yes I've solved the thing about my refrigerator but I still have no clue to who the hell he is! 

Just who is this mysterious guy floating in my head? 

Shoo! Shoo!! Get away! But the more I try to forget him, the more I become curious to who he is.



Argh! Stop mendling in my mind! I still have a quiz to make!

Shinwoo's POV

To think I have to wake up very early in the morning each and everyday is like torture. I barely can open my eyes very well! How much more if I'm too sleepy! I'm so dying with this schedule. Monday to Friday would be in the restaurant and Saturday and Sunday would be in the dojo.

Can't I have at least a day where I'd get to see her!?



[In the cafe]

"Gloria? So that's her name... Why not bust her in and confess to her?" Mrs. Lou gives the coffee that his Korean client ordered earlier. 

"You seriously think it's that easy? We just met! We barely know each other and I don't think she knows my name yet." Shinwoo gives it a sigh as he gets his coffee. 

Mrs. Lou decided to sit down on the opposite bench and said, "If that's the case try approaching in case you'd get to see her. Just say like... y'know, how's it going? Or how's the weather? Or anything comfortable or...whatever." 

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