Chapter 1

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This is my other book but if you wanted to read my other book it's called 'You Rejected me Remember' but if you don't want to read it or you have then you can read my shiz again.

Hope you enjoy and...



Corrie 's POV

"Get," slap "out," slap "of," slap "my," slap "fucking," slap "sight!" slap. He added 3 more slaps to my already red face, and more on my body that he's been punching and kicking at for a long time; maybe hours but I couldn't tell, since I've been in and out of conscience half the time I was chained together.

He backed away from me and started pacing around while he thought and murmured profanities at the moon goddess and myself. As he paced around I gained more conscience and finally took in his appearance that I didn't have time to check out since he just snatched me out of the library.

He had brown tousled hair with a little bit of blond highlights that seemed natural on him. He had a strong square looking jaw, it had little hairs on it from lack of shaving, that made him look even sexier then he was before. He had a nice nose the was crooked to perfection that just added to his sexiness. He had red full pink lips that looked like cuspids bow that was irresistible and kissable and don't get me started on those eyes of his. They were a medium shade of silver and had beautiful specks of dark blue in them making his appearance more intriguing. Whenever I looked into his eyes, it was like he could see through my eyes and know exactly what I was thinking. He bellowed in anger, as he caught me staring. I averted my eyes towards the dirty floor; scared he might continue hurting me.

"What is it my alpha?" I whispered softly, bowing my head in submission. Yes this is my alpha, well more like just-turned-alpha. He just turned 18 today and his name Jaxson so that made him Alpha Jaxson. In my pack I was just the invisible bookworm that never hung out with people, didn't talk to people, just antisocial in total, but I liked it that way.

You might be wondering, Why on earth is he hitting you? well to answer your question- he's my mate, and I cherish that title, I know its wrong to let him do this to me but there has to be a reason to why I am getting punished like this, so I try and remember what happened today.


I closed the door of my house making my way to the track where I walk to school everyday by myself, just me and myself and I, that's how I liked it. I don't like going near people, or talking to them because I'll just make things awkward and I'm antisocial. Im the loner in the pack since both my parents died in war while I was a baby, that meant I am now under the protection of the Alpha. ( Jaxson is not alpha yet because he hasn't found his mate so she's under protection of Jaxson's father who is currently the alpha)

I have dirty blond wavy hair that reaches the middle of my back, its not that fascinating and its really easy to do. I have dark blue eyes with little specks of black on it but majority of the time my eyes changes due to my mood, so my eyes look almost black but if you look closer its a really dark kind of blue. I have normal lips like everyone else, it's pink and my face is clear and pale which is weird for a werewolf to have, though normally they are all tan or have sun kissed skin either way none of them have pale skin like me, I'm like in between a werewolf and a vampire but more closer to a vampire than a werewolf, in the skin department.

As I was about to cross the road I was captured into strong arms, that held me tightly against its chest and I instantly knew it was my mate because his scent was so intoxicating like the woods and mint. I was quickly let go of. I fell to the ground, whimpering in pain as my hand made contact with sharp ends of rocks. I realized my mate had let me go but as I looked up to look at my mate, I realized I shouldn't have. There in front of me was Jaxson the Alpha's son and today he was going to find his mate and take the title as the new alpha.

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