Chapter 2

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Kk here's my new update.


Hope u ppl like it.


"Corrie you bitch, how could you do this to me?!" Lacey screamed storming around our small apartment, her blonde hair jumping all over the place as she did so. Our apartment was small, just a single bed and a bathroom.

Lacey was an outcast like me but her story was different. She was the typical blue eyed blonde beauty and that's another reason I find it hard to believe her pack kicked her out.

I looked at her uninterested. "What are you talking about?"

"I know it was you. You killed James!" She screamed at my face.

"Yeah sure I did. He was a dick anyways," I sighed and continued to polish my gun.

James was Lacey's boyfriend of 3 weeks. He too was blonde, he had green eyes, yeah he was pretty fit and that was another reason Lacey liked him. He would always come over, they would fuck and I'd always be the one to leave the house and stay at a park a few blocks down. After a few days of dating her I realized he started talking to me whenever Lacey wasn't home. A week later he started making moves on me and that right there is unacceptable. That's why I needed him to go KABOOM! And then we're free.

I looked up to see she had tears running down her face, and yet she still looked pretty doing it.

"Why?" She whispered.

I wished I looked pretty like that when I cried but I'm weird when it comes to the whole water works.

"He tried making moves on me when you weren't around okay, that's the reason. You happy now." I exclaimed throwing my gun on the bed. I stared at the floor and sighed ruffling my hair up- a habit of mine. I know she was thinking.

"I was thinking it over.....and I'm sorry for over-reacting." Who wouldn't be angry if they found out your best friend just killed your boyfriend, but in my case he was a dickhead and in my world dickheads don't survive at all.

I look up at her.

"So you forgive me?" She pondered.

"Well yeah but now I have to find a new fuck buddy," She groaned. Lacey can be very confusing and frustrating sometîme, like now. She knew he's a dickhead, he's dead now but she still talks about him. I can't believe that's all she's thinking about right now, after finding out that her 'buddy' was dead. I glared at her.

I don't get it, what's so good about these things, what's so good about.... 'That'.

"What's so good about him?"

She smiled seductively, " He's big, oh gosh when I first fucked him I didn't think he'll-" I cut her off.

"Lacey please I don't need to know...." I shuddered, " that's disgusting, I can't believe you were about to share your sex life with me." I looked at her with disgust. She laughed and laid on the bed. I shook my head and laid next to her. The bed was small so my whole left was was touching her. I took a hold of her hand and I laced them together and looked into her blue eyes.

"Lacey?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" she looked back at me,

"I'm not trying to get you angry but we need to move,"

"What!, why?" She started to get up and I did the same till we were now in a sitting position but our hands were still intertwined.

"Because people will suspect us for the death of James because he was with us last." I stated. I saw her raise a brow in question.

She untwined our hands and pointed at me. "But Corrie, you ARE responsible for his death."

I smiled at her. "Well yeah but I don't want to get caught." she smacked me on the forehead. We laughed and giggled at the whole situation. When we calmed ourselves down silence fell upon us.

"If we go, then where do we go?" she asked, breaking that silence.

"Uh, I'm not quite sure but all I know is that we better leave before they come for us, you know like the cops and shiz,"

She looked at me with a dead panned look. "You do realize that will make us even more suspicious, you know two teenager run away after the death of a boy who was last seen with them." Oh I forgot about that bit. Damn, I'm so stupid.

"Fine we stay here for a few weeks then we leave."

"Ok." and oh how that was such a big mistake.



Lacey smacked me in the face to wake up. I shot up instantly hitting my head on the bar of the top bunk. "Owww, fuck you bunk," I groaned, well that will make a bruise. I looked up to see a laughing Lacey. "Shut up bitch," yeah I'm not quite the morning person.

"What it was funny though," I glared at her. "Well I thought it was, do you agree John?"

We looked over to John, the prison guard. He was a funny dude, laid back but can be really uptight. He had one of those potbelly shit goin on and the whole I'm lazy look with unbrushed hair and a long beard which was grey, one thing really liked about him was his accent, he had a Scottish accent and when we asked where he got it from he said his wife was Scottish but she died a few years back and now he would tell us funny stories about their marriage life.

"Yeah it was, Corrie darl light'n up will ya, at least she didn't put crabs down your pants like ole Betsy did," he chuckled while we laughed along. I swear this guy had the best wife and marriage anyone could ask for,

"Crazy woman that one." I mumbled

"I know, that's why I asked her to marry me in the first place,"

"And here I thought it was the beauty you were looking for," Lacey said. I pushed her away and chuckled when she landed her butt.

"That and life wouldn't be as fun if I hadn't." I smiled at John. I felt bad for him because he is a good guy and he lost his wife, if I had powers I'd bring her back.

"Oi John," I called out to him. He nodded his head as a substitution for a 'what'. "If I had powers I'd bring her back so you two can be together again, you know that right?" he sighed and shook his head now looking down at his shoes. I sighed as well and sat back down on the ground where Lacey was still on the floor from the push. We sat in silence. Suddenly the door creaked open and I looked at John opening the jail cell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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