About Me (tagged)

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i was tagged by non other than Im_Perfectly_Me, so here goes thirteen facts about me. 

i. books are my life. whether it's an e-book or paper book, i always have a book with me.

ii. my number one dream is to work in nasa. 

iii. i am obsessed with soft things. it's not healthy, oh well. 

iv. i want to move to the united kingdom when i'm older or at least vist for a year. 

v. i am always cold. i don't mean the cold where i'm shaking from the cold, but my hands are always cold. it's actually kind of anoyying because whenever i want to touch something i can't. but it's okay at least i repel people from touching me.

vi. i absolutely adore the color red. you can never make me change my favorite color for as long as i live. 

vii. i cannot control my facial expressions. seriously, this is really terrible for me. all you have to do is look at my face and you know exactly how i'm feeling. though i have to gotten better at hiding my facial ecpression theyre still out there.

viii. i speak english (obviously, haha), spanish, and i am currently learning french.

ix. i am mexican !!! hola, México rules !!

x. my absolute favorite movie is Interstellar and if you haven't watched it you have to stop reading this and just go watch it! i don't care that you stop reading my book because it's that good. the ending i was absolutely not expecting ! 

and there you have it !! it was actually kinda hard doing this; haha !! 

au revoir, adios, bye !!!

oops almost forgot: 










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