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Looking for a guy with perfect profiles?

Find the one who struts with STYLES

Struggling a day in such disdain?

Find someone who can see your PAYNE

Or save yourself to DJ MALIK

If you were stuck and nowhere to run

Scream your heart out and call a HORAN

I massively detest this diverting time zone

But it can't stop me from admiring Mr. TOMLINSON

Liam's stare is so dazzling

And I can't help myself from falling

Zayn can play the triangles

His voice is like a nightingale

Niall is a lad so gorgeous

His laugh is extremely contagious

Lou likes girls who eat carrots

What a cute random thought

I think Harry has the coolest curls ever

If he'll visit my dream, I'll have a sweet slumber

I totally love One Direction

In this poem, they're my inspiration

People say this is far beyond obsession

Well, this is just my way of showing dedication

1D had a million fans

And I'm one of this dedicated gals (or boy Directioner)

"My heart will always be equally divided to five none of then will ever be left behind."

This is a Directioner's oath that well forever keep

Until out hearts pulsate our final beat.

Had to post this! I did not make this! All rights go to Vienna!

Her twitter: @viennanoreen

[I know some of you don't like One Direction,  but please no hate.]

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