Chapter 9

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Emma's POV
I woke up to the smell of bacon and an empty bed so I figured JJ was downstairs with my mom. I got out of bed and walked into the hallway and looked in my moms room and she was still sound asleep. I walked downstairs and there was no sign of JJ in the kitchen so I grabbed a piece of bacon and walked onto the porch to see him sitting in a chair drinking coffee. "Good morning babe." I said as I sat down beside him. "Good morning beautiful." He responded leaning over and planting a kiss on my lips.

"When do you want to head back to the hospital?" He asked. "Mama said we could head on whenever we wanted so let me change and brush my hair then we can go." I told him and we both got up and walked inside. I walked up stairs to get changed and JJ stayed downstairs.

I had just gotten my blue jeans and bra on when I heard a door close behind me and then I felt JJ's arms wrap around my waist. "I really hope my sister doesn't come back today." I said as I put my head on his chest. "I do." He breathed against my neck. "What? Why?" I asked getting out of his grip to put my shirt on. "Because your sexy when your mad." He responded spinning me around and immediately connecting our lips. We made out for about 30 seconds before we both pulled away. "You ready to go?" JJ asked and I nodded. We walked outside and got in his truck and drove to the hospital.

Emma and I walked into her dads room and he was eating. "Good morning daddy." Emma said and kissed him on the cheek. "Good morning sweetie. Good morning JJ." He said. "Good morning sir." I said with a smile as I shook his hand. "You look so much better today." Emma said and he agreed with her. "Can you go down to the cafeteria and get me a bottle of apple juice?" He asked Emma. "Yes sir. If that's the only way to satisfy the 4 year old in you." She said with a smile before walking out.

"JJ, do you mind if I ask you a question?" He said once he knew Emma was gone. "Sure." I responded. "Do you love my daughter?" He asked and I looked down at my feet and chuckled a little bit. "Yes sir. Very very much. Your daughter is the best thing that has every happened to me. I wasn't really planning on getting into a big relationship until my football career was over but she changed that." I told him and he smiled. "So when are you gonna ask her to become your wife. Because I know I'm not the only one waiting on it." He said and I was kind of shocked. Most dads don't want to give up their daughters.

"Well, it's something that I've put some thought into. I just don't really know how she feels and I don't know if that's what she wants. Me and her have talked about starting a family before but..." He cut me off before I could finish my sentence. "JJ she loves you and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He said right as the door opened and we looked to see her mom. "JJ sometimes you just have to tell him to shut up if he's talking to much." She jokingly said. 

Emma walked in right after that with a bottle of apple juice. "Oh hey mama." She said and her mom said hey back. "Um since all of y'all are here, I have an announcement to make." She said and I was confused. "Nobody except for Marlie knows this. Um... I'm... Pregnant." She said and my jaw dropped to the floor and I felt tears in my eyes while both her parents celebrated. "JJ your gonna be daddy." She said and I stood up from the chair I was in and connected our lips.

"Mama why do you have my phone." Emma asked her mom with a giggle. "Because I just took the most adorable picture ever." She said showing us the phone and it was a picture of us kissing just a second ago. "That's Instagram worthy!" She said and I laughed a little bit. I sat back down in my chair and she sat on my lap as I watched her tap on her screen.

Emma's POV.
"So exited to announce that we will be having a baby! I thank God every day for bringing this man into my life and now he has blessed us with a baby. I love you more than anything Justin James❤️❤️ @justinjames99"
I clicked share to post the picture on Instagram. I was kind of nervous about telling JJ and my parents that I'm pregnant because I didn't know how they would react but now I feel stupid for ever doubting myself. "Why don't you 2 go out and celebrate. I'll stay here with your dad." Her mom said and we agreed. Emma told her dad by before walking out but he cleared his throat so I turned around and he winked and me and I knew exactly what he meant.

3 weeks later
Today is game day at NRG Stadium and I have something special planned for today. I've waited about 2 and a half weeks for Emma's dad to get out of the hospital so I could do it with both of her parents here. All 3 of them plus my parents and brothers were on the sidelines today.

It was almost game time and I was getting more and more nervous by the minute. I walked over to Brian and grabbed what I asked him to hold for me then I got Emma and walked to midfield. "Will everyone please turn their attention to the center of the field." The announce said and then I was handed a microphone. "Emma, you are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. You understand that I'm not always gonna be home and your okay with it. I love you so much and I have something to ask you." I said getting down on one knee and pulling out the small black box, reveling a diamond ring. "Emma Crawford, will you marry me?" I asked and the crowd went crazy as she nodded yes and I slid the ring in her finger before planting a kiss on her lips."Alright fans, let's get ready for some Texans football!!" The announcer said as we walked off the field. "I love you." I said to Emma planting one more quick kiss on her lips and jogging over to the rest of the team.

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