The Reveal

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The girl's scream pierced the hallway, echoes ringing in my ears. With the gun in one hand and demon dagger in the other, I was ready. I could hear Sam's footsteps rounding the corner, so I knew I didn't have much time. Shoving the door open, I raced to the red-haired demon that was seconds away to choking a short blond woman to death. The demon whipped her head around to stare at me, black eyes nearly burning a hole in my skull. "I had been like that" I thought, but I knew I didn't have time. Keeping low to the ground, I dashed forward and plunged the dagger in the side of her neck, her skin flashing red as she slumped to the ground. The blond staggered back, and I was almost too late to catch her, but reflexes shot my arms out to catch her, her brown eyes staring up at me in shock.

"Wh-who are you? What's happening? Why were her eyes black? WHY WAS I ALMOST CHOKED TO DEATH?" Her questions rattled my brain, and I rolled my eyes away from where she could see.

"SAMMY!" I yelled, and he came running into the room.

"What is it?" He asked, panting from the run up countless flights of stairs.

"Explanation duty. It's your turn." I said, and motioned to the shaking girl cradled in my arms. He let out an exasperated sigh, and I replied with a smirk. I passed her over to him, and walking away, I could still hear him telling her about everything; angels, demons, Heaven and Hell.

After I thought I was a safe distance away, I slid to the wooden floorboards and closed my eyes, flattening my hands together, preparing to pray.

The though of Cas made my heart beat faster. No. I repeated to myself. I had been down this road before. We were just friends. We had to be. It was the only way.

"Castiel, O holy dick angel, listen to me dammit. Sam and I just offed another demon chick, and we need to talk." I whispered into my hands. Cautiously, I opened one eye and jumped back, seeing that Cas had appeared inches away from my face.

"Hello Dean" He said. I froze, trying to restrain from speaking gibberish in front of him. I wanted to pull him towards me and have him stay there forever. Hell, I needed it. My silence was obviously confusing him, and his pupils shuffled around his deep blue eyes that entranced me every time. Finally, I couldn't hold back, and my body propelled me forward, toppling him over in my embrace, my hands lining his jaw. He was stiff, unmoving for a few seconds, and I processed what I had done. I started to pull away when he was the one to close the distance between us, connecting our lips in a soft and desperate kiss that blocked out the rest of the world.

Out of breath, we unlocked each other and our foreheads met together in the middle. "Cas" I breathed, taking in his scent, his feel, his everything.

"Dean" He replied, and everything fell away as we were again in each others arms, kisses lining our necks and shoulders. I smiled through the embrace. I wasn't the only one to feel it, I thought, my body flooding with relief. He descended on top of me, our chests flattening to fit the other's. I didn't care that the floor was poking into my back, or that it smelled like sulfur from the demon kill. All I cared about was him. His trench coat fell on top of me and I clenched it between my fists.

We explored each other with furious passion, tracing all the lines, grooves and scars we could find. I heard him mumble "I love you" between the kisses, and I held him tighter against me. I was about to say the same thing to him, because I did. God, I did. But we were interrupted with the sound of a clattering gun on the floor. We scrambled to untangle ourselves, and our heads whipped up to see Sammy, open mouthed, staring at us. 

His protecting wings; A Destiel storyWhere stories live. Discover now