The Date

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Dean and Cas stood on the shoreline, watching the waves roll up across the blond sands. It had been their first date, the beginning of everything.


"Sammy, how do I look?" I asked, spreading my arms to demonstrate the close-fit plaid shirt and black tie hanging lose around my neck. He smiled, looking proud. And to be honest, I felt kind of happy with myself, too.

"You look great, Dean. Don't worry, everything will be fine. Just relax." He said. Great. A real ass load of help that'll do me when Cas sees how ridiculous I look and leaves me for some other angel. And on our first date. Turning my bitch face on, I left the motel hearing Sam's laughter behind me as I shrugged on my black jacket.

Since he started getting used to Earth and its qualities, Cas had always wanted to go to a beach, but being busy skewering demons and ass-hat angels, he never got the chance. Now, looking around through the light breeze, I saw his trench coat whistling from the wind, staring out at the roaring blue.

My heart beating faster than it probably should, I slowly approached his elegant form and tapped him on the shoulder, picnic basket in hand. Initially, I didn't know what to bring... I mean, what do angels even eat? But I soon came to the simple conclusion of burgers, PB&J's, beer and pie. Lost and lots of pie.

His head spun to meet my eyes, and we seemed lost in each other again.

"Hello, Dean." He said, a blush flowering on his pale cheeks.

"Hey Cas." I said, and without another word, I leaned forward and kissed him, my hands resting firm on the sides of his jaw as we twisted and turned to fit our mouths into an unbreakable bond. Finally, we broke apart, warmth devouring all my features.

"So, should we eat?" I whispered, worrying that if my voice became too loud, it could ruin our moment, which could ruin our everything.

"Y-yes. Of co-course, Dean. Let us eat. W-what's in the basket?" He exclaimed, flustered from the kiss.

We sat facing each other on the huge grey rocks that towered over the ocean and opened the food, dividing the contents between each other.

"So, Cas" I started, nervous to ask the question that had been plaguing me since he moment we first kissed. "When was it that you started having...feelings like this for me?" I asked. I'm sure my face is bright red, so I try and hide it in my jacket, but Cas's soft hands raise my chin so that our faces are at the same level. His gaze is piercing but relaxing, melting slowly into me.

"Forever." He says simply, and I arch my eyebrows in confusion. He continues. "Since I was assigned the task of raising you from perdition, I could tell there was something different. Then I saw you... your courage astounded me, your sacrifices unmatched. I knew that out of all the angels and humans I've visited, you were the one I would do anything to spend an eternity with. And that will never change. I love you now and forever, and nothing, not even death, can keep me away from you." This time he was the one to inch his face towards mine and our lips collided and locked in a gentle passion that shook the world. I know it will never stop shaking when I'm with Cas. Our hands scrunched each other's clothing and ruffled our hair, tracing the shape of our chests, ears, jaw, hands.

Lost in the wonder of whatever we shared, we barely noticed the group of pigeons that had gathered around us as were ready to eat our food, until one of them flew above me and crapped on my jacket, forcing us to separate.

"SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled, and Cas chuckled beside me, to which I responded my whipping of my stained blazer and throwing it at him, a laugh escaping my lips as well. Within minutes we were toppled over each other in hysterics. My eyes crinkled at the corners and I could see Cass's dimples create adorable craters in his already perfect face, and I crawled over to him, spreading my arms up to his shoulders.

I want to hold him forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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