The Aftermath

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Cas and I sat side-by-side on the cheap Motel bed, close enough to feel our energies mixing between us. I bowed my head, feeing redness rush to my cheeks. After what happened, we had tried to talk about it, but we were constantly interrupted by the awkwardness of having Sam be in the same room. Now he was the one talking, pacing the room with bold and heavy footsteps.

"So, let me get this straight." He said, his voice monotone. "You guys are...together? How long has that been going on?" Emotion began to creep into his voice; confusion, caring. Could he be jealous that we'd found each other? I guess that would make sense, seeing as every relationship he's ever been in have crashed and burned. (Some on the ceiling, if we're talking about Jessica).

Cas was the first to speak, his eyes shifting to wherever they weren't met by Sam's harsh gaze.

"Not officially, I don't think. We haven't really discussed that matter specifically, but I do believe we share some sort of profound connection, unlike ones we've spoken of before." He said.

A smile played at my lips. The sound of his voice, his mannerisms, all of it made me happy in every way possible, and I wasn't ready to give that up.

"Sam" I said, my voice gruff. "When I'm with Cas, I feel different. I know this is probably the last thing you would have expected, but I've never felt like this before. Not even with Lisa."

Sammy's eyes widened slightly at this. Nobody had ever known that what I had with Lisa had been fake. All of it. I wanted to care about her the way I pretended to, I really did, and that's why I kept coming back. Eventually, I admitted to myself that it was impossible for me to ever feel connected to her in that way, and so I left for good.

By that point I had met Cas, and I finally saw things more clearly. The act I had been putting on for her was just that...and act. Then my voice would catch every time I tried to talk to Cas, my stomach would become a home for thousands of angry butterflies, and now we're here. Sitting beside each other as my brother made us feel like ants. But really, I didn't pay much attention to Sam. All I wanted to do was move my hand out just enough to clasp Cas's, our fingers entangling themselves like our bodies had done not days before.

"Look, man" I begin. "I'm way past the point of believing we could ever have a normal, happy life together like some white picket fence family. Hell, that's become more of a nightmare than a dream to me. But that doesn't mean we can't just be happy, even if that means we're on the road eating burgers and hunting some more fricken monsters."

For a split second, Cas and I locked eyes, and his smile melted me to the point where I felt like I was floating.

Lost in my entrance, I barely heard the whisper of the words I had least expected my brother to say.

"Well then I'm happy for you guys." He spoke softly, and with that, a weight was lifted off my shoulders, and I finally locked hands with Cas, tracing the shape of each knuckle in an attempt to memorize every part of him. He tightened his grip on mine, and I knew I had finally found what I had been looking for my entire life.

"So, I'm making a dinner run. You guys want anything?" Sam asked. The solidity in his voice gave me more comfort than I could have imagined.

"Two words. Apple pie." I said, and he chuckled, shutting the door behind him. Slowly, Cas and I looked at head other, and without a word, cradled each other in a hug I wish could last forever. We relaxed onto the neat bedspread and he nestled his head in my elbow. I wrapped my arms tighter around him, mindlessly humming the tune of "Carry On Wayward Son". I could feel his dimples against my arm as he smiled and began humming along with me.

I nestled my face in his hair, so happy to finally be able to say what I had wanted to since that day, and long before then.

"I love you" I muffled, and we fell asleep in each other's arms. 

His protecting wings; A Destiel storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz