Happy Mistakes

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You awake from a nap in the afternoon, yawning and stretching. You lift up your blanket and reach over to open your window,its a nice, cool,sunny day. Resting your chin on your hands groggily, you listen to the sounds of the birds chirping and hear something strange. A guitar is being played in the distance. Turning your head in the direction of the noise,you see your neighbors house,a man wearing shades,sitting on the roof. He's wearing a leather jacket and is strumming a guitar softly. You dont notice as he abrubtly stops when he notices you examining him. He stumbles, suprised,and falls off the roof into some bushes. You finally regain attention as he yells when he falls.

"Oh my god!" You quickly get up and rush through your house,out the door. You run across the street to him, extremely worried. You see him laying in the bushes with a bewildered expression. He looks at you and says "I-im okay" he laughs and adjusts his sunglasses confidently. You cant help but notice he's having trouble standing up. You ask him if he'd like help,but he nervously declines. Watching him struggle for a minute,you sigh. You grab his hand to help him up, and he gets flustered,blushing a bit. You cant help but blush a little as well,starting to get nervous,you realize you cant pick up his weight,and fall forward onto him,making a small yelp.

Karamatsus P.O.V: W-who is this girl? Did she actually see me fall? I look like an idiot. I cant get up-oh s-she wants to help me? "Ack!" Oh god shes on me! S-shes on me! What do I do,what do I do?! "U-uhm are you okay..m-my karamatsu girl?" Shes so warm..

(Y/n p.o.v) Oh my god oh my god "I-im so sorry sir!" I cant stop blushing..his eyes are directly focused on mine. I can feel his soft skin..he sure has some muscles...

Karamatsu tries to sit up but fails. He hesitates with a red face,putting his arm around you,and helping you sit up. "I didnt think anybody w-was listening to me up on the roof.." he chuckles,still blushing. Your still slightly leaning on him,and you blush harder. You adjust yourself and sit across from him. He grabs his guitar beside him "Thanks for listening.." he fixes his hair nervously "Whenever I fall off the roof,usually no one notices.." You make a worried expression as he reassures you he is fine. You hear whispers coming from inside the house. You both look up at the window and see a couple of faces before they hurry back inside.He makes an embarrassed expression before sighing,turning back to you"Would y-you like to come in for some tea?..Its the least I could do for you,trying to help me,and all.." You smile warmly and nod,as both of you try to help each other up.

As you walk inside with your slippers, you notice five other people in the room,all looking exactly like...karamatsu,was it? Karamatsu girl? Hm.. He welcomes you inside,gesturing torwards five young men,adressing their names nervously."Thats osomatsu" he points to the man in light red. "This is choromatsu.." he points to the man in light green, he waves,blushing. "Thats ichimatsu over there..." he points to the man in dark purple at the corner of the room,staring at you. Before he introduces the man in the yellow,he quickly jumps up yelling "I am jyushimatsu san!" He runs over to the man in the light purple and yells "this is todomatsu! Our youngest brother!". Todomatsu smiles and winks at you "its a pleasure to meet you!" Your cheeks get red and you greet everyone cheerily,while karamatsu studies your reaction curiously "Good morning! Im sorry to bother you,its a pleasure to meet you all" you laugh and pat karamatsu on the back. "He really had me worried! Falling off of a roof!" Karamatsu smiles and adjusts his glasses,"Im glad I had someone listening to my wonderful music all this time.." to this,everyone in the room groans. As he gestures you to sit down at the table,you talk with osomatsu and jyushimatsu. Osomatsu asks you questions about yourself,blushing and trying to avoid eye contact. Jyushimatsu laughs at him and tries to ask you if you like baseball before the man in the corner gets up to calm him down. "Yeah,I like baseball,I dont watch it much, but its fun to play!" after saying this,he looses it and gets hyper screaming 'Wanna go play baseball?!? Lets go play baseball!!' Ichimatsu quickly attempts to calm him down as karamatsu enters the room again with a cup of tea.

Karamatsus P.O.V: oh god I can hear them asking her a million questions, maybe I shouldve taken her to a cafe instead.. shes pretty cute though..I gotta play it cool..

As karamatsu walks over to you,he gently sits down at the table and puts the plate infront of you. "Is this a great way to s-start the morning?" he laughs. You take a sip of the tea and accidentally nudge him. "I cant say ive ever had a better morning yet" you say,laughing. He blushes and lets out a confident 'heh'. Theyre all studying you as you set down the cup. "So uh-" he grins "karamatsu" you blush "so karamatsu, would you and your brothers mind if I hung out here today? I never have any plans.." you say,rubbing the back of your neck. Ichimatsu lets out a suprised grunt and they all yell "of course!!" with excited,red faces. Karamatsu sways his sunglasses off and makes his little proud noise 'heh'.

Karamatsus P.O.V: shes so pretty,w-what a great way to spend the day..

(Y/n) P.O.V: Im glad I get to spend the day with Karamatsu..

You both edge closer as everyone talks to each other about what to do.

My honey,Karamatsu!  (Karamatsu X Reader) ♡Where stories live. Discover now