A day you wish lasted forever

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"Slow down jyushimatsu!" choromatsu yelled. You laugh,you cant help but think his hyperness is cute. Karamatsu walks beside you,talking to you about what youd like to do. "Im not really sure,I havent been here for a while,its hard to remember the way through this town" you laugh. The other five quickly turn around and offer to show you around again. Karamatsu adjusts his sunglasses and wraps his arm around your shoulder. You both blush as they all yell "Lets begin the tour!" Ichimatsu,however,seems to be glaring at karamatsu.

(Y/n's) P.O.V: Its been so long,I hope I can keep up..is..is karamatsu..staring at me? And is ichimatsu staring at...hm... Karamatsu leads you through the town with choromatsu giving details about the stores and locations. You lean closer to karamatsu, nudging his hip a little bit. What am I doing? I gotta back off...hes so buff though.. Karamatsu lets out a heh and blushes.

Karamatsus P.O.V: S-shes so close...im gonna get a nosebleed..stay calm kara,stay calm.. " S-so uh..I never got your number.." What am I saying??... Baka baka baka baka....

You blush and notice the others are waiting for your reaction as you walk. Todomatsu walks over to you and winks "I can save it! I just got this smartphone" he giggles. You turn to him and say your number calmly,meeting his eyes once,to which he blushes and nods,continuing to type the numbers. Karamatsu notices this and gets a bit jealous. He walks infront of you and holds out a hand,avoiding eye contact,and blushing immensley. You are all at the bridge over the river. "Shall we,(y/n) ?" he says,peering over his shades. Ichimatsu goes tch from the back, obviously embarrassed by him. You,however,find this adorable. You hold his hand and walk over,standing next to him. You can hear the others gasp in awe. Kara sways his shades away , and as they get the message,they walk away. "See you kara! We'll go get oden!" Osomatsu yells. Ichimatsu drags a yelling jyushimatsu from you and kara. "Bye nii-san!!" he screams. Karamatsu leans onto the edge of the bridge,staring at the sunset. You lean onto it as well,staring at him from the corner of your eye. He intrigues you so much for some reason..something about him sets him apart from his brothers..and you love it.

(Y/n's P.O.V) The way the light bounces off his hair...the way his details cast shadows on his figure...his skin looks so soft. I just want to be in his arms for a moment..Oh god I think he saw me staring at him..

(Karamatsus P.O.V) S-shes so close to me..its amazing I even met her in the first place,everyone wouldve left me by now. Is she..staring at me?

You turn to karamatsu,you have the urge to just rush into his arms. He smirks and turns to you "Yes? My karamatsu girl.." His eyes sparkle in the light of the sun, and you cant seem to be able to speak for a moment. You didnt really know what to say,and you panicked. "I-im a bit cold" you say,as you blush and attempt to look cute. His face gets red and he gets a nosebleed,turning away. "S-sorry!" he says in a soft voice. He cleans his nose and regains his confident posture. "Would y-you like to use my jacket or-" he opens his arms,still blushing,and turning away. You quickly shuffle onto his chest and lay your head under his chin. Suprised,he lets out a nervous heh.. and gently lays his arms over you.

(Y/n's P.O.V): hes so buff..and so strong..should I try to..kiss him? I just met him but it feels like ive known him my whole life.. I rub my head under his chin,incredibly comfortable

(Karamatsus P.O.V): I cant beleive this is happening...I cant let myself get another nosebleed! Finally, someone I like,likes me! Shes so pretty,I want to hold her forever.. "W-would you like to head back? The guys are probably done with their oden by now" I dont want to leave? What am I saying..

You smile warmly and nod. He holds your hand,obviously flustered, and walks you back home under the moonlight. As you pass through the town, you thank him for the wonderful re-introduction into the town. You mimick his heh and he turns to you with a surprised expression. He chuckles with his deep voice and you begin to laugh as well. As you chat,you finally make it to the street where you both live on. "T-thanks again, karamatsu" you say in a quiet voice. "I had a really fun time with you and your brothers.." he stands there,looking at his hands,fumbling his thumbs. Whats he thinking? you wonder. Without a moment to spare,he reaches up to your face and cups your cheek,kissing you softly on the lips. You feel your heart race and your face get warm. You hold his hand over your face and ease into the kiss. You hear loud gasps coming from a window of where he lives. As you both stop,he blushes and you hug him. "Thank you k-kara,again,lets m-meet again sometime" you nervously stutter. He chuckles and nods. "Definitely (y/n), d-definitley" when he walks torwards his house,he turns to wink at you,before being pulled inside by his brothers all at once. You laugh and walk inside your home,closing the door quietly. You slip your shoes off and prepare for bed after a nice,hot bath. You look out the window at their house, and watch their silhouettes cause a riot. You grin,and slip under your sheets.

(Y/n's P.O.V): Tomorrow cant come soon enough..

My honey,Karamatsu!  (Karamatsu X Reader) ♡Where stories live. Discover now