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SMALL NOTE. guys please share my story and don't forget to comment and vote.  mwahz


I avoided Jason for two weeks until he came knocking on my door late one night. Sally was out with some of our other friends and I was recovering from a bad cold. I had no choice but to let him in. I owed him an explanation it was the least I could do. The first week I guessed he was just busy with work because he messaged me numerous times explaining how he just couldn't get a hang on closing this one deal and how difficult the client was. I never responded though.

When I didn't go see him the Friday Sally questioned me and I ended up telling her about me trying to figure it out. I got absolutely nothing from her but an eye roll. 'She's tired of my shit' her words not mine, that I should really make up my mind and let myself be happy for once. Adam was a dick and that I shouldn't keep Jason accountable for Adams shit.

I tried explaining to her that it was not really about Adam or Jason it was a battle that I had to fight within me. It was battle of letting go and opening up to being loved. I only ever received love from two people in my life .I lost both of them even though my mum had no choice and the other one chose to stop loving me.

I was now sitting with Jason in the lounge trying to put into words how I felt. I was trying to explain to him that this wasn't me breaking it off, but taking time to sort out my head.

Of course he thought it ridiculous that I felt like this about myself. I manage to convince him to give me space on the condition that I will check in with him at least twice a week till I have come to a conclusion about myself.


Adam was trying so hard to hold onto his life but bits and pieces were slipping away from him. He now became a full on alcoholic. He showered when he remembered and only got out of bed when he had to get more wine. Francis heart was breaking to see him like this.

She new he had once forgotten Maggie but it was clear he still loved her dearly and she was witness to that love tearing him to pieces. She could hear him scream at night after he passed out. The nightmares were getting too much even for her. Sometimes she would hear him cry when she went pass his room.

What most people didn't know about Adam was that he became a ruthless bastard after he left Maggie. He became friends with drug lords, had meals with mafia friends. Anything that he considered would take his mind off Maggie at the time.

He hasn't even spoken to his parents. A few days after Adam called Maggie and heard her voice he decided that he was going to get rid of John and fight by himself to win her back.

He went to pay John a visit. He knocked on the door, it was a barely a door if you could call it that. The smells coming from inside of the apartment that John stayed at now was once Maggie's home. "Try not to think about Maggie Adam. You're here to finish some business". He kept reminding himself. He pushed down on the handle of the door and let himself in. The TV was playing but no sound came from it. He looked over to the kitchen where dishes pilled up on the sink. There were no pictures hanging on the walls now. The wall paper barely hanged on.

In the far corner of the room he saw a figure lying under a blanket. He went closer and pulled the blankets off. John laid there foaming at the mouth. He finally killed himself. Adam felt anger pulse through his body. He was really hoping to work some of that anger off on John He really wanted to pull the trigger and hear John's screams. He planned the whole thing. How he was going to tie John up and bring him to the warehouse that he loaned from his mafia friend. He was going to slowly drill hoes in his fingers and knees. He wanted to hear the bastard beg for his life, like how Maggie begged for hers every time he would beat her when she was younger. He then wanted to pull the trigger and hear the pop of the bullet when it left the gun crashing into John's skull.

forgotten but still loved...BOOK 1#WATTY'S2016)Where stories live. Discover now