chapter 37

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I tried to suppress the rather large grin I held from splitting my face in two. It was hard though. She was so fucking beautiful. Damn I really was a glorified dick for leaving her in the first place.

As I neared the place where she was seated, she turned her head up and the smile that played on those lovely lips sent my whole body into convulsions on the inside. I couldn't get over how gorgeous she was. I'm going to be a lucky man I thought to myself, as I sat down beside her.

"Hi" I softly cooed

"Hey" her voce was barely audible, but I didn't exactly have to staring my ears to it.

"Want to go get that coffee or should we just hang out here and talk. We could do anything you Maggs." I nervously answered.

"No anything's fine with me" she didn't look me in the eyes when she spoke, but I could tell every time I would look else where; she would steal glances in my direction. That absolutely drove me insane, but I maintained my composure as much as I could.

"Do you want me to go get us a coffee over there (I pointed to the walk up coffee bar) and then we can just sit out here. The weathers nice though" I turned towards her.

I was starting to feel awkward. She wasn't saying much and I didn't want to bore her with mindless questions. I wanted to hear her voice instead. I wanted to hear her giggles. Oh how I missed those.

Then you have to make her giggle my head told me.

Without thinking I grabbed her hand and pulled her up front her sitting position. She stared blankly at me, confused even, until I gestured with my head to the nearby coffee shop.

"Oh" was all she said. I needed to make her talk more.

"Um I was thinking if you're free the week before Christmas, I wanted to show you that project I told you about, but you don't have to decide just yet. There's about two more weeks until you have to make a decision."

Running my fingers through my hair I was hoping she couldn't tell how nervous I was feeling about asking her out again.

"Okay, I'll let you know sometime next week."

I was slowly starting to feel confused as to why she agreed to meet with me if she wasn't going to talk. I furrowed my brows and saw a small smirk on her lips.

We continued to sit in silence. I can't say it was a comfortable one. The sun was nearly setting and we have been sitting like this for nearly an hour.

I felt tense. I was so frustrated. She was so close to me yet so far emotionally. Was she playing games with me? I mean she did agree to the coffee, maybe if we went else where she'd loosen up.

"Did you drive here by yourself Maggs?" I tried once more to get her to talk.

"Uh huh" came her reply.

Loosing my patience, I got up and walked over to the trash and threw my cup hard into the bin. Anger was slowly seeping up on me.

I walked back towards where she was seated and stood in front of her, Trying to hold on to my anger instead of letting it get the better of me.

"You know what. This was a fucking mistake, I really thought we were becoming friends, but I guess not, talk about people having getting to choose their options. I guess it only applies to you "

I watched as her eyes grew wide at my sudden outburst. I ran my hands frustratingly through my hair and then over my face. I needed to get my hair cut it was driving me insane this long.

forgotten but still loved...BOOK 1#WATTY'S2016)Where stories live. Discover now