chapter 40

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hey please don't forget to vote via twitter.  happy reading sorry its late. haven't had much time to write.

Chapter 40

"Thanks jean lious I can always count on you to make me look fabulous." Maggie flicks her hair over her shoulders, admiring the new gorgeous ruby red hi -lites she had done.

"It nothing, merci" he says in the fakest French accent one can find. I'm really happy for Cindy that introduced me to him. The guy sure can work wonders on short notice.

Maggie paid at reception and then left the store towards where the car was parked.

(3rd person)

"Have fun tomorrow. We will meet sooner than you think Maggs. So soon". This person laughed a crazy laugh.

Maggie was in all sorts of moods lately. She was nervous about her meeting with Adam, and at the same time sad about leaving Jason, but excited to be moving in with her best friend again. Hopefully it will still be only her and sally and not she and sally and Shane. Maggie laughed at how weird it was that sally was in love. It was funny actually Maggie thought. That guy sure had some balls that were made of steel to put up with all of sally.

Maggie reached the front door of the house. When ever she came home, she always felt strange like she was forcing herself to be there.

Maggie was dreading saying good bye to Jason. It's been days since she last went to see him down stairs.

It was a lot harder than she anticipated saying goodbye. She knew it was for the best. What kind of life could he possibly offer her in his condition? She wanted a husband and kids. If she did stay with him it would mean she would never have those things. She would be taking care of his needs constantly.

She convinced herself that she was making the right decision by leaving. It tore her to pieces knowing that they couldn't and wouldn't ever be able to be together.

So he gave her everything thing, he made her apart of his life and everything else in it, but what were all those things without him. What was all the money worth?

One thing Maggie leant a long time ago, money cant buy you love, it could buy you diamond rings and everything the heart desires but not love, the one most important thing that's needed.

Maggie had planned on staying with Jason's company, but was hoping to relocate to New York or Paris or something. Some where she would not be haunted by the memories of Jason or Adam. She wanted a clear break from them both, doing what she knows best. Moving far away and starting over.

Maggie felt like she was a magnet to disastrous relationships. Yet she only had two ever, but it was enough to make her believe the latter. No matter where to she ran away to in Africa, bad relationships were going to follow her. Its was almost as if the land was bad for her love life. So the next best thing was to leave Africa and go to another continent, start over hopefully with a good omen upon her life.


I felt her presence even before she entered my room. I was ecstatic to have her near. I missed her. It's been a couple of days I think since she last visited me. Work must be tiring her out and me being incapacitated isn't help either. I must make a mental note when I'm better to lessen her working hours. I can only imagine how hard things must be on her at the office. Knowing Madre she must have told every one in the office already of our engagement.

I feel a hand on my cheek, bringing me out of my deep thoughts. I can smell her sweet vanilla scent. It's taking all of my inner emotion not too break down and fight to get up and hold her. I had to take it one day at a time to regain my strength.

forgotten but still loved...BOOK 1#WATTY'S2016)Where stories live. Discover now