Chapter Two

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Niti's POV

The next day I was awoken from my deep slumber by my sister shaking my shoulder and softly whispering my name, trying not to be harsh. I obviously did not like to be awaken like an animal is wàking me.

I opened my eyes groaning, and stretching my arms at the top of my body.

"Wake up, Niti!", Vibhà exclaimed "You have to be at school in an hour."

I shot up from the bed and ran to the bathroom. It was beautiful. With blue tiles and stainless finishing. I didn't have to gawke at it. I sped towards shower and turned on the knob all the way to warm.

The hot, steamy water immediately relaxed my stiff muscles. I started lathering my body with my cocoa butter wash.

Rinsing the soap out of my body. I went to the shampoo. It was a vanilla scented shampoo. My favorite scent. After getting rid of all the shampoo in my hair, I stepped out of the shower, cold air surrounding the bathroom made me shiver.

I quickly reached for a towel, one for my hair and the other for my body. Quickly wrapping around myself, I go to my bedroom.

Seeing that my sister has already laid an outfit for me. It's a dark blue shirt with white floral pants. I quickly did my hair and makeup. Just some foundation, eyeliner, mascara and lip balm.

I slipped my feet into my black heeled boots and finished my outfit with some bangles and earings, and went downstairs my sister made me breakfast, which consisted of pancakes and orange juice which I devoured in few minutes.

I remembered when my mom used to make us breakfast. It was amazing. The thought of her made me want to cry my eyes out. But I composed myself.

"Ready?", Vibha asked, interrupting my sad thoughts

" Yup", I replied poping the p in it.

She gave me a school bag with my lunch in it.

We got in her expensive car. She pulled out of the driveway and sped down the road.

"How long is the drive?", I asked

" 5 minutes top, and if you're walking so it's 10", she replied cooly

"Great", I muttered

She pulled up in front of the school building. It looked amazing from outside, I hope it's as good in the

I kissed and hugged Vibha goodbye and looked at my surroundings. Nerds sat at the grass with their noses in their books. Probably studying for their tests. Jocks standing near the entrance gawking at girls' boobs or ass.

"Perverts", I said under my breath.

I looked around and spotted five boys smoking. They looked dangerous. The tall guy with a sharp jaw line and his hair pushed back, caught my attention. He was the tallest of the five boys and looked out of place.

He looked too old to be in school. His intense gaze made me shiver and look away. I started making my way again to the doors of school.

People looked at me like I was an alien. I asked a girl where the head office was. She told me the direction and I hurried towards it. Entering the door I saw a blonde middle aged lady sitting at the desk, scribbling something.

I cleared my throat to cath her attention. "Hello, How can I help you, sweetie?" She asked nicely

I immediately liked her. "Hi! I um I'm new here ma'am, My names' Niti Taylor", I smiled at her.

"Yes dear. We have been waiting for you!", she says enthusiastically "Oh and I'm Mrs Jones!"

I smile at her excitement."Nice to meet you", I reply

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