CH 5 As the Hours Tick By

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Sitting here talking to L has been the best day of my life, after the whole challenge was set up we decided to exchange phone numbers, he had a Samsung Galaxy 5 and then there was me with my Galaxy 3. We started a conversation about our favorite sweets and subconsciously he grabbed his fork and dug into the empty plate, he looked down in disappointment, I laughed at his misfortune, "I could go get you another piece." I offered, he looked at me with his small smile "That would be great." His voice was slightly less deeper than it had been throughout the rest of our conversation. I gave him a kind smile when I went up to the counter, Kiara was working the register, "Can I get a piece of the strawberry cake?" Her smile was devious, "Only if you tell me how Mr. Mysterio is treating you." I couldn't help the small smile that lit up my face "He has been the nicest guy that I've talked to in awhile, we have a lot in common, I even got his phone number." I bet she could feel the happiness running off of my figure.

"Oh honey finally, you won't be lonely." She clapped her hands and bent down to get the cake, "Just put it on his tab, and I can only hope I don't scare him away." The sigh escaped my lips before I could stop it, Kiara looked me dead into the eye "If he hasn't run away yet I don't think he'll leave anytime soon." Her smile reassured me, I returned the smile to her and made my way back to the table and sat down sliding the cake over to his side of the table. I could see the joy in his eyes as the cake slid his way, his tongue poked out of his lips for just a second, "He's like a cute little kitten." I think to myself, he looks up at me "I'm not a feline, I am a homosapien." His statement confused me, but it also brought a slight blush to his cheeks. I could feel the heat on my cheeks too, I had spoken my mind out loud and it just made the day a little more interesting. "I don't know about that Ryuzaki, how can I be sure that you don't have some ears hidden under that hair." At the statement I reached over and ruffled his hair, his face had a slight look of shock, "Hold up let me check real quick." And at that statement he ruffled through his own hair with both of his hands, "Nope no neko ears, so I am a homosapien." His face was smug but I couldn't help but giggle.

"What?" He questioned as I giggled. He really must not know how cute he is. "You really are something Ryuzaki." My statement was short but he smiled at it, "And same to you Annika." He looked down at his cake, he took his fork and cut a pretty big piece, after that bite he cut a smaller piece and to my surprise put it to my lips, with his mouth stuffed with cake he said "You need to try this cake it's delicious." I looked down at the fork and back to him, I shrugged my shoulders and ate the piece of cake on the fork. He was right, it was delicious, the strawberry dough mixed with the cream on top made me close my eyes and make a small moan, again I could feel the blush rise to my cheeks. Opening my eyes I can see that L is blushing the most. He's really cute when he blushes. "Sorry about that, its an awesome cake." He nods his head in agreement, he takes his fork and cuts off another big piece and stuffs it in his mouth. It looked like it was too big to be eaten but he didn't even flinch when he put it in his mouth. His fork goes down again, this time he cuts a tiny piece and puts the fork back at my lips, I take the bite, but this time I don't moan. I just close my eyes and smile as I chew. When I reopened my eyes I could see a flash of disappointment cross his face, was he disappointed I didn't moan at this bite of cake? I wanted to ask him what was up but I just decided to let it slide. He repeated feeding himself and feeding me until the cake was gone. " Do you want another piece or are you done for the day?" I ask him. He thinks for a bit, "Actually we should try a different one. Hmhmhmhm, how about the volcanic fudge cake I saw, that one looked really good." I smiled "Sure thing, I'll be right back."


Annika is the nicest person I've ever met, she's very pretty too. I like to gaze into her eyes, they were the blue of every dancing sky, infinite hues illuminated by newborn light.. And her hair was just magnificent, I usually don't care for girls with highlights but the darkish blue mixed with her ink black hair just astonishes me. To be honest she's the prettiest girl I've ever encountered. And not just the fact that she is pretty, we have a lot of things in common, and we are both intelligent. Now that is a quality most girls refuse to show but with her it makes her stand out. She is so different and she makes me feel an emotion that I never realized was hidden away.

Her confidence drips from her persona, but people don't even care to take notice of her. Her voice was honeyed and modulated, I could listen to her talk all day and her giggle just makes me smile. She made me blush a number of times today and that usually doesn't happen to me, especially when she moaned while eating that cake. I would like to her more of those, "Stop being a prev." A voice told me, I looked over at the tiny angel me on my shoulder. "I'm not a prev. She's only two years younger than me, and besides I think she likes me too." I whispered to myself, looking up to make sure she was still at the counter. I wonder if she'll moan when she eats that piece of cake. The smile forces it way to my lips. God I am a pervert. Keeping my eye on her I see her wave to the red head behind the counter. Before I knew it she was on her easy back to the table, the piece of cake in her hands looks delicious, "But not as delicious as she does." I look at the tiny devil me on my shoulder. "Just shut up." my whisper was hoarse.

Turning my head back I can see she's only a few steps from the table. "This is gonna be fun." Devil L says with a wicked laugh. Angel L hops over to him and smacks him upside the head, "You sir need to learn some manners." Devil L snarled "Get a sense of humor." I smile and turn back to see Annika sitting across from me. "What are you smiling at?" her question was light, but I could see her own smile gracing her lips. God her lips, "Shake it off L you got this." Angel L told me. "Oh nothing I was just thinking about today." I was being honest, she was the biggest part of today. I'm so glad I caught her. "I know its a nice day, and especially since I met you." I blushed at her comment. "Any-whoo here's your cake." She slid the cake my way, just like she did the last. "Thanks by the way, I shouldn't make you get up to get it for me, I do have functioning legs myself." I look down at the cake, and look back up, the smile on her face was sincere, "It's the least I could do, besides it is my job, I just went off duty." I dug into the cake with my fork, but instead of bringing it to my lips I put it to Annikas' instead. "Here then you should get first bite." She opens her mouth and takes the cake and fork in. "Mhmhmmm, that's soooo good." I just had to shudder at that, it's not exactly a moan, but it sure as hell is sexy. I smiled at her, not letting my thought show on my face.

"Is it really that good?" I raise my eyebrow, I dig the fork back into the cake and take my piece and shove into my mouth. "Oh this is really good." We eat the cake together, me of course feeding the both of us. "What time is it." I asked Annika, she pulled her phone out from what I'm assuming is her bra, "Uh it's 6:50." "Oh shit, really, damn I have to go, I'll text you later." I rush to get up, and throw about 25 or was it 30 dollars on the table. I make my way to the door, but I quickly turn around. Annika was standing. I'm guessing also to go to leave, I run back to her and pull her into a hug, "I'll seriously text, maybe even call I'll see." After I release her I can see her blushing shocked face. God she's beautiful. I dash out the front and call Watari, "Yes hello can you pick me up outside the cafe I was at this morning." I shut my phone and look back inside the cafe, but she's already gone.

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