CH 13 The Prize

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To be honest I was a little irritated that Watari interrupted us, I mean we had just gotten started, and I like to finish things that I start. Annika wanted to go get my cake so now it was a forced break. We always have later, hopefully.

Annika's POV

I noted that L was following me, and I laughed to myself, he's the one who's supposed to be driving. I still had my shoes on but L didn't. Did he even have shoes on when he picked me up? I know he left a pair at my house. We walked all the way to the door before I turned to L, "Did you have any shoes on when you were driving?" He looked up at, "No, I feel better doing things without shoes " I squinted at him, "Do you know how dangerous that is!" He just smiled and shrugged. He put his arms on my shoulders and turned us around, now he was the closest to the door. "I should probably take the lead now, and don't scowl too much, your face might get stuck." He stuck his tongue out at me then opened the door. I took a deep breath, "I swear if you kill us I'm going to slap you into purgatory." I heard him chuckle, I got close to him then yanked his hair, "I'm being serious." I had the biggest smile I could make on my face. Then in an instant we were on the floor with my hands pinned above my head, and this time he was the one with a big smile.

"I don't know Annika, that would only happen if I let you slap me, I'm pretty skilled when it comes to self-defense." I squirm a bit but instead I just look up at him, I put on my kitten face, "But you should let me,". He just chuckled, "And why would I do that?"My face changed to hopefully a sadistic smile, "Hopefully you're bare feet won't kill us and I'll see to it that I can control you!" He laughed and climbed off of me. When I got up I dusted myself off looking around to make sure no one had seen that. I can still hear L laughing but it's not as loud as it was a minute ago, I notice that he was at the elevator, his back was against the door, still laughing and he was still slouched. I walked my way over, "You done yet." He looked up, "I don't think I'll ever get over that." I could tell he was out of breath. He was still giggling when the elevator doors opened and he fell back, I reached for his hand but that only ended with me being pulled with him. We both erupted in a fit of giggles. Finally after about a minute I climbed off him, and put my hand out to help him out he accepted it. "We've only walked down the hallway and we've laughed more than I think we did yesterday." I nodded my head in agreement, I was afraid to talk because I might have laughed again. I pressed the button that took us to the lobby, then I followed L to the car. He almost slipped in the lobby but he caught himself, I waited until we had gotten in the car to laugh again. He just put his forehead on the steering wheel. It moved down and 'HOOOOOONK' the horn made him jump. I laughed again, "Yeezus, we can't do anything right today can we." He looks at me with a smile on his face, "Your cooking was really good." I slowly let my laughter die down, "Thank You." He nodded, and started the car.

It was a nice peaceful drive to the cafe. It took awhile to find a parking space, L has more patients than I'll ever have. When he finally found one I was half asleep. What can I say this car was really comfortable. When we had gotten out of the very comfortable couch on wheels I stretched, "Okay you go in the front I'll go through the back." He gave me a slight nod. I watched him walk away then I turned to walk to the back door. He had somehow fit in the parking lot for the arts and crafts store. It didn't take too long to walk to the back, I opened the door slightly to make sure nobody was around, so that I wouldn't hit them with the door. After entertaining I was greeted with a shout, "Hello Annika!" It seems that everyone in the kitchen greeted me. I smile, "Hey you guys. Where's Julia?" I watched her walk out behind Baldroy, "Hey Annika, what can I help you with." I smiled at her kind voice, "I actually came for the cake. Turns out Ryuzaki will eat vegetables." I giggled at the memory of L refusing to eat anything. Julia nodded, "Follow me." She was walking towards the huge fridge where most of the desserts were kept. She opened the cooler and pulled out the cake. It was in a black box with a plastic window. It was exactly how I wanted it. "Despite the size I'm sure Ryuzaki will love it!." Julia smiled, "I was going to make it heart shaped but at the time I didn't want to feel the wrath of your slap."

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