CH 16 The Morning After

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Annika's POV

When I woke up I was on my side, L was holding me. I couldn't help but smile last night was perfect. I could feel L's breath on my neck and it was very calming, but sadly I had to be to work today. I moved L's arm from around me and sat up, I looked around the room, I couldn't find my phone. I got out of my bed and walked into my living room, I spotted my phone on the glass table. I walked over to it, when I picked it up I hit the home button, good it was only 8:30. I didn't have to work until 10. I walked back into the room and plugged in my phone. I looked at L still asleep, he was adorable when he slept, his face was so calm. I decided to pick up all my clothes thrown around the room. Once I had the dress hanging back up in the close and the other garments in my dirty clothes basket I walked over to my dresser. I just put on a loose pair of boxers and a random t-shirt. I grabbed my cigarettes off my dresser and proceeded to make my way to the balcony, before I left my room I looked at L one more time, Mr. Business was curled up as close to L's back as he could get, it was adorable.

After smoking my cigarette I walked back into my bedroom. L was still asleep so I decided to shower. I walked into the bathroom, I left the door open and striped off my clothes. I turned on the shower and made sure my clothes were somewhere where they wouldn't get wet. I planned to put them back on. When I stepped into the shower it was the perfect temperature, hot. I took a moment and just let the steaming water graze my skin. I slowly started to wash my hair. Suddenly the curtain pulled back and L got into the shower as well. He looked very grumpy and I couldn't help but smile. He yawned before he spoke, "See this is why I don't like sleep, every time I wake up I feel way too groggy, speaking of that let me get under that water." I giggled at him but proceeded to switch places with him, I scrubbed my hair and watched him stand underneath the shower head. He did not look happy at all, it took awhile for all of his hair to get wet and after it did it fell completely over his face. He looked hilarious.


When I woke up I was confused, Annika wasn't next to me, the sun was up and I felt a furry creature against my back. I wiped my eyes and looked around. I heard the shower running and saw the door wasn't closed. I felt like shit, but at the same time well rested. I could see the steam emitting from the bathroom and it was just too tempting. I willed myself out of the bed and stretched my limbs before I made my way into the bathroom. I pulled back the curtain and got into the shower. I looked at Annika, of course she was naked but even that couldn't wake me up. "See this is why I don't like to sleep, every time I wake up I feel way too groggy, speaking of that, let me get under that water." The sound of her giggle made my heart beat pick up and she quickly maneuvered so that I could get under the water. The water was hot but I didn't let it bother me, I stood under the stream just waiting for the mass of my hair to get completely wet. I closed my eyes and let the water fall over me. The silence was interrupted by Annika clearing her throat, "So are you going to let me back into the water." I moved my wet hair out of my face and looked her in the eye. She had a smirk on her face and I couldn't help but smile, "Sure here you go princess." I moved out of her and looked around for her shampoo, I couldn't wait to smell like watermelon. I found the bottle and I put an obscene amount of product in my hand before I set the bottle down and started lathering it in my hair. My hair was always a hassle to clean. But I beared through it, I looked up at Annika when I was done scrubbing. She was putting what I assume was a conditioner on the ends of her hair, she let the water run down her bare back. "So are you going to let me rinse out my hair?" I gave her the same question she gave me earlier, she just snickered. We switched positions again and I rinsed the soap out of my hair, after I was done I looked up to see Annika scrubbing her body with the body poof. It was a nice sight seeing her skin lightly trailed in bubbles. I bet she felt really soft.

I couldn't help but blush, images of last night started flashing through my memory. Last night was perfect. Annika was perfect, every touch she gave me felt electrified. The sex was amazing, and I didn't tell her but I am also a virgin. I was taken out of my thoughts when I felt Annika poke my cheek. I looked up to her face and I saw her smile. Her cheeks looked so flushed due to the hot steam. "I said, are you going to let me rinse." I just nodded my head and stepped out of the way. I grabbed some body wash and scrubbed my body with my hands real quick. I waited for her to be done underneath the water. She caught my eye and we switched places. I watched as she stepped out of the shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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