♡One Last Hug♡-Daku Atsu x Shy!Reader-

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You walk to the front gate of your new school, Akademi High School.

You've heard that their has been known murders at this school, it honestly gives you the chills, but you try to forgot about the school's bad reputation and continue to walk threw the front gate.

You see the P.E teacher, she kindly waves at you.

"Hi there! You must be the new student...uh..(y/n) (l/n), correct?" She asks.

You nod silently.

"Alrighty! Well I'll get a student to show you around!" She kindly says.

You weren't really interested in talking to people at this right second, or really at all, but you didn't want to be rude to you silently nodded again and waited for the P.E teacher to find you a student.

She then points at a student and yells, "Hey, Daku Atsu! Yeah you! Come show the new girl around!"

You then turn to see a nervous, kinda creepy looking, yet cute boy with glasses, walking towards you and the P.E teacher.

"Okay Daku, this is (y/n), (y/n) (l/n). Show her around the school please."

"Y-Yes ma'am.." You then follow him inside the school, he shows you the lockers, classrooms, the rooftop, clubs, then you both finally stop at the occult club.

"T-This is the club I'm in, it's the occult club." He then shows you around the purple satanic room. You've always thought that demons and stuff like that always interested you, maybe this club is for you.

"H-Hey, do you think I can join t-this club?" You quietly ask.

He looks at you shocked. "Y-You really want to join this club? I never thought pretty girls would be interested in this kind of club."

You then blush madly. He also blushes then scratches the back of his head, awkwardly. It was so adorable.

He then grabs holds both of your hands and passionately, you at first were shocked, never could think that a cute, shy boy would ever kiss you out of the blue, but you accepted it and kissed him back. He then puts his hands around your waist, you hold him closer. The kiss lasted awhile until the club leader, Oka Ruto, walks in and sees you two kissing.

"W-Wha??" You then both turn around and see Oka standing there awkwardly.

"Miss (y/n) chan wants to join our club O-Oka!" He says excitedly.

You then nod to her.

"You r-really want to join?" She quietly asks.

You nod again once more and then she says, "O-Okay, you are an o-official occult club m-member."

You then smile and look at Daku, he looks at you with a warm smile as he tightly holds your hand.

*Time Skip*

It's the next day after school, you cheerfully walk to the occult club, ready to try to summon a demon, even though you think we won't succeed, but you still have hope.

You then turn to the corner and open the doors of the occult club.

You stand there.

You can't move.

You can't breath.

You see all the occult club members...


You then get closer and see his body, Daku.

You start sobbing hard.

You knell down, and hugs his dead body, tightly, for one last hug. Before you could turn around you feel a sharp pain in your back. You felt dizzy and woozy. All of a sudden..you fall down on the floor dead, on top of Daku.

"heheh...hahaha....HAHAHAHAHA!!" That's the last thing you hear..Ayano Aishi...laughing..

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