Chapter 1 Tina's Thoughts

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Ok, so so this is goingto be a story that has sad moments and love moments. Its going to be about Tina x Louise. DONT JUDGE THE SHIPPING!!! I read fanficion and a person done the same shipping. Hate my shipping if you want. Idc anyway let's get started:)
'I can't do this anymore. Jimmy Jr. doesn't like me, no one notices me, even my siblings don't care about me. I remember when they said I should kill myself. Do they really mean that? Should I? You know what, I should. Tomorrow, that will be the day when I kill myself.' Tina was thinking while she was laying on her bed. It was a Friday night and everyone was asleep but her. She was so tired of crying herself to sleep every night. She looked at her right arm, where her veins are. She pulled down her sleeve and there were tons of cuts on her arm by her veins. She started to cry by all the bad thoughts in her head. "I just want this to be over with.", she said as she put her hands over her eyes and eventually fell asleep.

Sorry that chapter is short. I'll keep going if guys want me to keep going. See you guys later:P

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