Chapter 4

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I'm not sure if the PG-13 rating doesn't make people realise this, but this story DOES and WILL contain mature themes and content. Readers advised.

To the right is the handsome Chris Hemsworth (a.k.a Bryan).

I love this song, by the way! (: 





All the shorties in the club,

let me see you just,

back it up, drop it down,

let me see you just,

get low, scrub the ground,

let me see you just,

push it up, push it up,

let me see you just,

Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble.


Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble.


Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble.


Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble bab-

I cut off the radio. I had been jamming out shamelessly to Wobble, and couldn't be seen dancing like that around a daycare.

After running into Travis, I had been in a good mood all day. I practically skipped to my car once school ended, which didn't go unnoticed by Fran. She was wriggling in excitement after me, much to my annoyance.

Parking near the entrance, I got out of my car humming and swinging my keys. I thought about bringing Sadie to the park... We hadn't gone in a while, and she loved to be pushed on the swings.

A man was exiting the building as I went to enter, and a little girl slightly older than Sadie was trailing behind him, barely grasping his pinky. I recognized her from earlier that morning as the girl watching the block tower being built.

I didn't glance at them for too long, but when I noticed the man pause in my peripherals, I looked back.

Lo and behold, my ex-boyfriend, Bryan, was staring back at me with the same shocked expression on his face that I'm sure was on mine once I recognized him.

My good mood went out the window.

We stood there for a moment in a stalemate, unsure of what to say or do. Suddenly, though, his expression changed from one of shock to determination.

He lifted the little girl up to his hip and walked up to me.

"Stay. Here," he growled, running back into the building and talking quickly to Mrs. Elizabeth, who was behind the counter as always.

Her eyes crinkled in confusion as she slowly nodded and took the little girl, setting her on the counter in front of her and beginning to play with child.

When he turned to exit, she looked up at me through the glass door with worry, pointing to herself and asking silently if I wanted her to interrupt. I shook my head slightly. I wanted to see what he had to say.

And then the devil himself was back outside, staring at me with a face so incomprehensible I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I crossed my arms and waited. He was going to be the first one to speak.

Babies and BottlesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora