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*Nicholas pov*

I can't believe Ophelia would be so immature as to run away from me and at that drag another girl into trouble with her!

I get she likes to make friends but this is not how you do it.

The sight of the two huddled together on the toilet seat giving each other scared looks melts my heart a tad but I can't give in they were so bad.

"Get. Out. NOW!"

They whimper and scurry and I grab Ophelia's arm and whisper in her ear.

"You're gonna get it when we get home."

She whines and speed walks out the bathroom. The other little girl is being held tight by her mommy

"Thank you Mr..."


"Montague...that's beautiful."

The woman's little whispers and i tilt my head

"Its like from Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. I love that story."

She whispers and I smirk. A little who likes culture. I'm impressed.

"Well I'd hate to disagree with that little lady but i believe Taming of the Shrew was a very phenomenal work by him."

She tilts her head at me with a smirk

"But Romeo and Juliet is the tragedy of all tragedies. You know they die before the story even begins which makes it even more anticipating knowing at the end they will die and seeing all that leads up to it."

"But Taming of the Shrew shows a beautiful stance on how women truly felt about the stereotype of being those who have to give pleasure rather than receive."

*Ophelia pov*

My eyes narrow. What the fuck is going on here? We go from me being punished to Daddy and Jamey talking about Shakespeare.

"Well maybe we could discuss more another time. That is if your Mommy is ok with it."

Her Mommy smiles and exchanging information with Daddy before walking away her grip tight on Jamey's hand.

Jamey waves to me with her free hand as her mommy drags her away. Its only a moment before Daddy is doing the same to me.

He places me in the backseat of the car and doesn't turn on the radio so we just sit there in silence. Sometimes the quiet is violent. Its makes me scared and uneasy.


"Be quiet Ophelia!"

He snapped and I slumped back in my seat holding my stuffie close. I'm scared what's he's gonna do when we get home.

Suddenly his phone rings and he picks it up quickly.



He looks at me in the rearview mirror and smirks.

"Perfect. I'll bring a date."


"See you tonight."

He smirked the rest of the way home.

I get out the car and daddy quickly grabs my hand dragging me inside and upstairs.

"I had a different punishment planned for you but this will work just as well."

He stripped me of my dress and going into my closet finding my only other dress that I wore when that one bitch was over.

Little SpaceheadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon