Chapter 4: Training

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I APOLOGIZE. It seems I updated last year and now its 2017. I'm truly sorry for that and now I'll try to be very active so please keep on supporting me.

Lucy's POV

"Lucy, wake up!" someone said when I was in the middle of sleeping, ugh. "5 minutes" I said still sleepy because I really am. I slept late last night because I was reading books and also wrote my novel.

"No. Today is an important day. We'll be having our training. So if you won't wake up then I have no choice but to do this." She said. I waited but nothing happened. 'Tss. Just a bluff.'  I continue to sleep but I woke up in a flash when I felt like I was locked up in the water.

"Water Lock" she chanted then I was in the water. Tss. My sister is sometimes a pain in the ass. But wait how did she learn this magic? This is Juvia's right? "Okay! Okay! I'm awake already!" Me having a hard time talking because I am in the water.

"Good. Go change and proceed to the kitchen. Good Morning sister." She smiled but it looks so scary. I went to the bathroom and of course because of it's beauty I decided to use the bathtub and as I was enjoying the atmosphere, someone disturbed me. Damn.  

"What are you doing, Lucy?" and flashed a sinister smile. "Okay okay! I'm standing okay? Now, shoo get out. I'm changing." And pushed her out of my room "You better be." I sighed. "Finally. Guess I'll now change." Well of course I'm wearing my usual clothes and proceeded to the dining hall. 

"ASHLEEEEEY!" I shouted and almost caught everyone's attention. "My my. Princess Lucy, you must not shout like that. You need to be like a proper lady." someone said behind my back and I realized it's only Stella. "Good Morning Stella and don't worry about that. I'm actually very proper." She just laughed and went to sit so I followed her. "So Lucy, may I remind you that we will immediately start after breakfast." Stella basically said.

"Yes I know. Will you train me, Ashley?" I curiously asked. "Well if you want I can teach you basic spells like maker magics and others." My eyes immediately sparkled when I heard that. Finally. You better watch out Gray. "Reallly?! Thank you thank you thank you!" And swarmed kisses to her face. She just laughed. "Also I want to bond with you more." And I see that she was suprisingly shocked. 

"It seems the two of you already have a connection when you just met yesterday." Stella said. "Well she is my sister. Now can we start?" I don't know why I'm just so excited. Maybe I want to finish this fast so I can get my revenge? Yeah that's it. "..ucy hey are you okay?" Ashley asked me so I nodded. 

So we went to the training ground and when we reach I was very surprised. Like literally. THERE ARE DRAGONS! Well obviously there are because it is their home. "So Lucy since you are the Princess of the Dragons, you need to master all of the elements like fire, water and other elements. Your sister has finished her training and she practically mastered all the elements also...." I was confused. I was pretty sure she said something at the end but I can't really hear it. But aside from that, I'll have to practice all elements?! Can I even handle that? 

"Don't worry Princess Lucy. You can do it." And I saw a red dragon and he is really familiar, awfully familiar. "Uh are you the one Natsu have been looking for? The dragon named Igneel?" And he laughed so hard it might even destroy the world but I'm only exaggerating. Gihee. "So you know my son huh?" I nodded and another two dragons also asked me.

"Do you, by chance, also know Wendy?" 

"How about that metal head? Do you know him?

"Of course. They are my most treasured friends." I said with a very genuine smile. "Now now let's start training okay?" Stella said. 

Yosh! Let's do this!

Well can Lucy master all of them?

So that ends it. Please like, comment and follow. Thank you.

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