Chapter two

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s I was heading home with my mom, I felt a vibrate in my pocket. "Vik was wondering if I could hang at his house for the night." I said as I read his text. "That's fine, just don't drive after you get wasted," my mom said with some slight sarcasm. When we pulled up beside Viktor's house, the lights were off, but Vik's car was still there. I walked up to the door and knocked. Vik comes out slowly and checks the road. "Dude, you really need to chill," I said with a stale laugh. I could tell he was being very serious though."Come on dude, hurry." We got into his '87 Trans Am and started riding. "Where are we going dude? Are we getting some booz from Andy or something?" I said. "No dude, you will see." Then he looked at me with deathly serious eyes. "Do you trust me?" "Yeah, of course," I said with complete honesty. Next thing I know, we stop down the street from Aleks's place. Vik gets out and says, "Stay here." I watch as he creeps up to the house. After what seemed like forever, he finally comes back. "What was that all about?" He starts the car and pulls out of the street. "Listen to me, there is a series of plans I have made about Judgement Day." After he said this, I knew exactly how serious he was. This was a plan we had started to talk about a few years back, where we planned to kill our targets and enemies at our school. This was more of something to talk about than an actual plan to carry out. "What does Aleks have to do with it?" We stopped about a block away from the courthouse. "Do you remember the party last year?" I looked at him as parts of it started to peice together. We all got wasted one night last summer at Aleks's house. "Yeah man, what about it?" He turned to me with a bit of anger in his eyes. "Do you remember the fight?" I thought back. I remember Hayley was there. I can just picture it in my mind as I remember Vik and Hayley kissing on the couch. It was when Aleks and Hayley were dating. I have never seen Aleks more pissed in my life. Viktor imediately regretted it too. Vik fought hard, but Aleks and I are the biggest of the group, so it didn't do much. Aleks stayed in the hospital overnight with a black eye and cut on his head. Vik stayed in for a week with three broken ribs, a broken arm, and a broken nose. I start to peice together what he is trying explain. "Randall, all I want to do is get Aleks to get beat as bad as I did that night, to give him the shame I had felt." Right as I began to understand, I see Aleks and Sparky walking down the street by the courthouse. A Mustang then goes racing by right at them, and then stops. I hear muffled voices and I see four figures get out of the car. After a few words were said, I hear the screaching of tires and then they pull away. I turn and noticed that I am alone. I look out of the window to see Vik shuffling back toward the car. "You scare the hell out of me sometimes," I said as he got in. "That should do it," Vik said. I can faintly see Aleks looking over his motorcycle. In what seemed like seconds, the same Mustang had rammed into the motorcycle Aleks was just at. I could see that Sparky and Aleks had fell on the ground but were up just as quickly. I saw three guys get out of the car, two were with knives. It was blur as I saw one charge them, then only the attacker and Aleks had gotten up from the fall, and the attacker quickly pulled away in his Mustang. Sparky was still lying on the ground taking struggling breaths. "Oh shit..." I said softyly. Sirens began wailing in the distance and I knew that what just happened will be burned into my brain forever.

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