Chapter three

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Vik didn't mean to do it, but in his mind, he had no remorse. He never had remorse for many other people, but this was different. Sparky was the best of all of us, and the whole group was devestated by the news. Tyler was usually the funniest, and the happiest of all of us. Aleks didn't talk to anyone after Sparky's death. It was always Aleks and Sparky to be the closest ones. Suprisingly, life went on, the days became actionless and routine. After a while, though, I started writing in my notebooks and drawing more, rather than hang out with the guys. I usually didn't say much to anyone much at school, besides Bre with her daily hugs and wierd jokes, or Vik, who understood what was happening. This went on, and it seemed that life was changing, but somewhat in slow motion. One fateful night, my dad came home very drunk while I was sketching. "What the fuck are you doing?" He said in slurred words. "Adam, go get in the shower, you smell horrible," I told him. He got really pissed and started yelling and throwing things at me. I was not about to deal with his shit, so I hit him as hard as I could before quickly storming out of the house. I called Vik and told him what happened. He picked me up and I stayed at his house for the night. I couldn't handle anything anymore, so I just let loose what was on my mind. Vik listened, and understood. After I was done, he looked at me and said, "I have a solution for everything." Anything could have helped at that point, so he slowly explained what we were going to do. "The school, the bombs, everything. I have planned for months about it, and it's just going to be me, you, and Jake." I thought long and hard on it, and I finally came to the decision to do it. His plan was very specific, down to the number of bullets we have and that number of magazines we carried. On the night before Judgement Day, I couldn't sleep. I knew that at that moment, Vik was placing the bombs in the school. I got up and pulled out my grandfather's Colt that I would use as a sidearm tomorrow. "I could end it now," I said to myself. Then I thought about all the hatred I had for the people at school. My target list consisted of about three quarters of the school. I became frustrated and put it back up. When I got up the next morning, I went to school as normal before we were supposed to meet up. I sat with Aleks and Bre one last time. Aleks seemed very unusual and I had the idea that Vik told him what's going on or something like that. Both Bre and I noticed, but it was not mentioned. Of course, Bre started to talk about what happened last on her favorite zombie show, but I wasn't listening. I had given Aleks a drink and I watched as he reached under the table and pull one of the bombs Vik had planted. I got up quickly to head outside where we were supposed to meet at Viktor's car. He handed us our assault-rifles which I assumed were fully automatic. We suited up with body armor, multiple magazines, and our sidearms too. I could feel the adrenaline rising as I thought about how this is the last day for me, for us, and for our enemies inside that school.

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