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Day one

Today was the first day of camp. It's not what I thought. I figured it would be all outside stuff and nature shit but no. They have wifi, bad ass cabins, tvs, and Zach. Just thinking about him makes me smile. When I first got her I met Pax. She is one of the girls in my cabin. The shortly after I met Juno and Ash. They are all amazing. I can tell we will all be amazing friends. We talked for hours, just about the most random things. When it came time for dinner I knew everything about them and they knew everything about me. At dinner I "met" Zach and his friends. I didn't really meet them, just saw them. They are all so good looking. Tbh I would date Maddie. Riley is dating maddies sister Addi. After dinner my friends and j had a small camp fire behind out cabin but I wanted to look around. I'm glad I did because I met Hallie. I want to be friends with her but she is zachs ex. I headed back after an awkward talk with her and finally met Riley, Maddie, Addi, and Zach. We all went swimming in the lake and  i kinda made out with Zach...oops.
Day one end

I set the notebook is the small cubby and turn off my light.mi put in my ear buds and fell asleep.

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