Smile HD

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Ally: I've just read Smile and New patterns... in
Kaise-chan's book (Yandere_Kaise_)

Kidou: and what?

Ally: there smile HD there but I don't know what language... I'm pretty sure there's English version of that.

Endou: I wanna see smile HD

IE cast except Kidou: *nods in agreement*

Kidou and Me: well I'm not gonna watch that if I we're you

Fudou: your just jealous

Ally: even you banana head? But I'm with Kidou on this one. *opens the computer and goes on YouTube*

Sakuma: Smile HD!

Ally: *sigh* fine fine but you guys will watch it one your own risk.

IE cast except Kidou: whatever.

Kidou and Me: good luck *plays the smile HD*

(I'm having a hard time finding the English one XD)

IE cast except Kidou: *jaws drop*

Ally: well I'm starting to like the gory part for some reason

Kidou: your starting to get affected by Kaise's yandereness

Endou: *silent about what he watched*

Ally: um...Endou on earth or outer space?

Endou: *still silent*

Ally: *pulls out my phone and starts playing 'Smile song'*


Ally: *laughs hard* w-well readers hope you like this part XD

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