More gory!

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Ally: Yay~ more gory~ *holding a knife*

Alistair: *comes in the room* hey A- *sees me holding a knife* O_O

Sayuri: *comes in with Flare* something wrong Alis-.....uh...

Flare: what the...

Ally: *looks at them* Hello there guys~ *swinging the knife in her hand*

Alistair: A-Ally...

Ally: Yes~?

Sayuri: why are you acting like this?

Ally: *giggles* it's part of my nature~ *takes a step to the left to show dead bodies*

Flare: A-Ally...w-why...

Ally: *can't hold her laughter and laughs* nyahahahaha! So hilarious! Best reactions guys!!

Alistair: were jocking!?

Sayuri: that wasn't funny!!
Flare: Ally!!

Ally: G-Gomen! Nyahaha! *waves goodbye and disappears*

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