Chapter 2

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Narrator's POV

The man really hasn't changed.Its really not that different,guessing last time Aria saw him She was 11 and..he pretty much didn't care about her or anything else.
He quickly turned his head towards her.
"Sweetie..heh-heh"Peter slowly picked up the sign and continued to stay frozen.
James leaned in over Peter's shoulder.

"So much for a good impression"Peter elbowed James in the stomach.
James carried Aria's bags while Peter attempted to 'talk' with his daughter.
"So how was England?"


"How about your flight?"

Peter began to get hesitated.
"Damn Aria..I'm-i'm sorry I'm not as good as a parent as your mother.."
"It's okay."She gave a faint smile."10 years gets the best of us doesn't it.."
They both shrugged into the car & drove off into what might crash and burn into what Aria's worst fears..

The three first stopped at Aria's old house.James just wanted to test if the 'ten year treatment' really was worth..what they had to do.

The two got out of the car as Aria gazed upon the house she last saw her mother.

Peter unloaded the luggage.
"James,what are we doing here?"

"Look it wouldn't hurt just to see if sending her to England really worked on her..'Condition' "
Peter sighed.
"Ugh,her system will respond when it wants to,you can't just trigger it lik--"
The men starred as Aria opened the door.
James ran up.

Aria's POV

It was difficult seeing the house my dear mother was in..every corner,I saw her,every inch of the house..her.
After realizing in my mind that it was hours since I took my pills..or..or-.I shut down.

I got out of the car and slowly walked up over the porch and opened the door.

"Mommy?"James grabbed my waist & placed me behind him.

"Woah there missy-WO! your heavy"He chuckled.I wasn't showing emotion.I was..Blank.I just kept wanting to go in the house,but James was in the way..of-of everything! That stupid block of-.
I started to shake and get highly tempered  it-it wasn't me.

He shoved me back in the car as he split one of my pills into my water and tricked me into drinking it.

The Next Morning

It was morning.I was lying on top of my mother's bed judging that I was to big for my old bed.

I wobbled down stair.Peter and James were cooking in the Kitchen,but my mind kept saying they were in the game room.Me..My mother and Daddy(Peter) always played ballerina and dad would spun the music box as me and mother danced.As I got closer and closer,
The sound of my young laughter and my lively mother's foot steps ringed in my ears.Especially the music-b-box..It started to get light,very..light.
I was being shaken by James.
Turns out this whole time I-i was day dreaming..or either my condition..but still all I could remember of James was what I last thoughts were about him.
"James! wasn't me it w-as my condition,I'm really sorry I don't kno-"

"It's fine Arie(Are-ree)I get it,you missed your mother and 10years its A lot-"

"Yeah"I curled me lips."It's..its been long"

End of chapter 2 scary so far isin't it?

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