Chapter 3

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James's POV

She was acting odd.I figured after breakfast,we'd visit a few places on the way to her new house that was passed on,but the schedule was taking to much of me and Peter's time.
We both needed to get what we actually wanted.It was taking forever!

Aria's POV

It was strange how rushed they were.Peter exclaimed to me that we'd be going around town.
It was funny that they were acting stranger while i just came back from Hmph!..lets just say 'hospital' for now..
But still..that little voice,I kept thinking about it.Was it truly me or was it something else I really couldn't get into detail about how I felt it-it was like a little switch that just randomly turn on & off.

After we all got dressed,the guys drove me through town square,my old school and a few other places I couldn't recall.                         
James left the car to get gas.The awkward
silence,yeah..I cloudn't take.Just then as Peter was about to talk,my phone began to ring from my aunt Hillary.

(H=Hillary A=Aria)
H: My little Baby! My gosh I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to you in time!!
A: Trust me Aunt,it's fine there's always next time.
H: 10 years am I correct? Ho no no no!
That's-that's not enough for me.
A: But aunt-.
H: Nonsense,I'm buying a ticket at this very moment-Oo-security number you say? Oh one moment-bye bye Aria!

"Hahaha!"Peter laughed,"Well she hasn't changed now has she."

I shook my head,"Nope."

James ran towards the car,"get out,get out NOW!"We both got out and starting running beside James.I wanted an explanation,fortunately he was on the phone.
"No,no! Please j-just stop the car!..look we can talk just not now..ple-please."
There was a soft muffle and then a very very loud one.At the same time we heard a loud bang(Not From The Phone) and started to see smoke coming from town square..

---------End Of Chapter----------------------------

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