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We went to Hannah's straight from the airport, most of my things were there, which really wasn't much anyways. I told Hannah that it was probably goodbye once we left there. I knew I would miss her a ton. She was my older sister, I wanted to be just like when I was younger. She might not make the best decisions better she had a very warm heart, I believe that she just thought she could bring the best out of everyone, I think that's why she had so much faith in Declan. I knew she would be okay with out us there with her, but I don't know if I would be okay without her.

After she got to talk with Jaxon a bit and they figured out some of the problems my parents had left for us to deal with, me, Jax, Gray, and Ethan said our goodbyes to my sister and Declan. Declan was actually being fairly decent, that is until he grabbed my ass while hugging me goodbye. Hannah really had a lot to deal with when it came to that one. I saw Grayson watch Declan do it, he glared at Declan.  I felt like Grayson had this protective emotion over me already, then again I'm probably just over thinking things.

Grayson's POV

Did no one else just see Declan grab Emma's ass? Really?

When she said he was a douche she meant it. I can't believe Jaxon is more worried about me or Ethan trying to get with her, than this guy. How did Hannah not realize that her boyfriend glares at her little sister like a piece of meat.

I feel bad for feeling so protective of her, but this is something Jaxon should allow, obviously no ones even paying attention to this guy all over Emma. How could they not notice?

We left Jaxon's sisters house, I didn't really know Hannah that well she was always out with her friends or doing something she wasn't suppose to being doing when we were younger. My older sister Cameron was friends with Hannah but I guess that blew up or something.

It really sucks that they were going through all of this, I could never imagine how I would deal with something like this. It hasn't been that long since Emma and Jaxon's mom passed away, and they both seemed so content like they had moved on. I know they've both had their worlds turned around this past year, but I think they are both holding in so much emotion.


We were picking up the moving truck, Ethan and Jaxon decided to take the truck and I asked Emma if I could ride with her. She is a pretty decent driver. We talked a lot on the way to their old house. It was about a half an hour from the place we rented the truck from.

Emma is beautiful, I hate that Jaxon put a restriction on his sister. She was so easy to talk to and she made me laugh. She's so happy for having being dealt this terrible hand this past year. She is so strong but if she ever broke down I wanted to be the one to hold her when she cries, I feel so protective over her and it just seems right. I wanted her to be mine, but I knew I couldn't do anything about it.

Emma's POV

I felt Grayson's eyes on me the entire time I was driving to the house. He was a sweetheart, so caring and charming. He made me feel warm and happy inside, like there was something dead inside me, and when he spoke to me and made me laugh it came back to life. I'm cheesy I know, but that's what it felt like, for real.

We jumped out of my car, Jaxon and Ethan walked up next to us and we all starred at the house, we all had so many memories here, even the twins did. Jaxon always had them over when they were kids.

There wasn't much left in the house, Hannah and I had sold most things. We kept the things of our mothers than we cherished and I kept a hold of Brecken's little stuffed dear she use to carry around, it looked like bambi and it meant so much to her. We put all over our father's stuff into a storage locker for when he got out. Me and Jaxon had quite a bit left in the house, most of my bedroom furniture, which I would definitely need.

We got everything put into the movie truck, it was pretty late though, almost 1 am. We all decided we would just stay in the house one last night. We grabbed some of the blankets that were in the truck and we all were going to sleep on the living room floor, we would leave early and hit the road.


The guys were asleep, but sleep was apparently not on the agenda for me. My mind was just full of thoughts; I was about to burst with emotion. I had been holding everything back since this all began, I had to be strong for Kade and Hannah. I felt that if I had it together, they would follow in my lead and have hope that things were okay.

It was about 2:10 am, I got up and decide to go sit on the back porch. I made sure I was quiet so I didn't wake the boys. I keep calling them boys, but none of them were boys. They all three grew up, and it all began in this house.

I sat on the porch for a while, we had a swing hanging from the top deck, I use to sit here with Brecken while we worked on our school work, she was always coloring and I was always so jealous of her simple homework. I didn't want to leave the memories, but I knew I had to.

I felt a couples tears running down my cheek, I wiped them away quickly when I heard the backdoor open, it was one of the twins but I couldn't tell which one, he was still a little too far away and it was really dark. Good, then he won't be able to see my puffy red eyes. I'm a disaster. He walked closer, "Emma, are you alright?" I could tell it was Grayson by the depth of his voice. "What are you doing up?"

He came and sat next me on the porch swing. I pulled my legs up to my chest, wrapped my arms around my legs and place my head on my knees. "I'm fine," I lied "just couldn't sleep very well. Why are you awake?" I defiantly didn't want to brake down in front of Gray.

He was looking down fiddling with his hands, "I just woke up and saw you left, I was just making sure you were okay." He really seemed to care a lot about me, it made me feel safe. I wanted to tell him what I was thinking but I didn't want to just complain to him, he would probably get annoyed with me. I think I was starting to really like this guy and I didn't want one of our first times really talking to involve me bursting out in tears. I didn't want him to know I was feeling week and sad.

Grayson's POV

I could tell Emma was upset, how could she not be. I saw a tear run down her cheek, she tried to hide the fact the she was crying. I reached over and cupped her face, wiping the tear of her damp cheek with my thumb. She must have been crying before I came outside. I wonder how long she had been out here. Her face felt cold, and she jumped a little to my touch. "Em, you can talk to me about it, about anything. I'm a great listener," I tucked a piece of hair that was blocking her beautiful face behind her ear, she looked over at me and just started bawling her eyes out. She must have been holding all of her emotions in this entire time. It made me upset to see her so sad. "Come here" I said pulling her into my lap. She cried into my chest. I held on to her moving her hair from her face and placing my chin on the top of her head.

Emma seemed so small in my arms, so fragile. This side of her, this sadness she was feeling was tearing her apart from the inside out. She obviously had been holding a lot of feelings in.

We talked about everything from the day Brecken disappeared to the morning she sent Kade to Oregon. We didn't really get any sleep, but I was okay with it. She felt better after talking about everything. You could see it in her face. She didn't feel bad about letting everything out. I'm glad she was able to talk to me, I'm glad I woke up and found her, but I couldn't let Jaxon know.

I don't want him to suspect a thing. I was growing very strong emotions for his little sister, it had only been a day. My feelings are only going to grown stronger if I keep this up. Its going to be rough with her living in the same apartment as me, one door away.

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