Just Lose It//10

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Grayson's POV

I ran home, I needed to tell Emma what happened and how I feel about her. Obviously she knows I have some feeling for her but I wanted her to be sure of it. I wanted her to be mine, I don't even care if that means hiding it from everyone, I wanted to be with her.

I ran up the stairs of our apartment complex and into our apartment yelling for her and checking in the rooms, "EMMA!" Its super early but she never really sleeps, I ran into her room to see her sitting up in her bed squinting her eyes, looks like she was asleep.

"Grayson jesus, WHY ARE YOU YELLLING!" She seemed a little irritated.

"I was looking for you!" I kicked off my shoes and jumped onto her, hugging her.

"You're c-crushing m-me" she could barley breath, I moved off of her so she was in front of me, but kept my grip on her from behind. "What are you doing, get off me." She said, turning and pushing me away from her.

"Hey stop, what's wrong?" I replied confused. Why is she pushing me away? I got up off her bed and stood next to her. She was sitting up with her legs hanging off.

E: "I'm not doing this Grayson!"

She was motioning to the space in between us.

G: "What are you talking about? I thought we had a thing, I thought you liked me, What about the other day."

E: "I do, but I'm not going to help you cheat on Maria, she loves you and I can't be the girl to ruin things. That's not me! I've already effected things between you guys. If you're with her, then be with her and her only. If you want to be with me, then be with me, and not behind your girlfriends back."

Emma was upset, little did she know I did want to be with her and it wasn't going to be behind Maria's back, maybe Jaxon and Ethan's, but not Maria's.

"Emma," I crouched down in front of her so I could look into her eyes, and place my hands on her thighs, "I want to be with you, and only you. Maria and I are over, I mean you were the girl to ruin it, but I wanted you too. Ever since I laid eyes on you at the airport, I've wanted you. At this point ill let Jaxon kick my ass, just to be with you."

"Come here," Emma said grabbing my face, smashing her still bruised lips into mine. She leaned back and pulled me down so I was on top of her. "Hey, but no telling Jaxon!! Or Ethan, if we are going to be together I can't have you broken and bruised."

"Deal!" I replied, I got my girl.

We hung for the rest of the day, trying to get things looking decent at the apartment before the guys get back tomorrow.


Emma was running around the apartment cleaning and doing laundry in some tiny black lace panties and one of my t-shirts, she looked so sexy, and she knew she was getting to me. I didn't believe her when she told me she was a virgin, well I mean I didn't think she was the type to sleep around, but I don't understand how no one has touched that gorgeous body of hers.

I was in her room laying on her bed going through my phone when I felt movement at the end of the bed. Emma was crawling up to me. She grabbed my phone and set it on the side table.

"What are you doing?" I watched her but she didn't exactly respond. She was straddling my body and had her hands on each side of my head.

"Shhhh..." she leaned down and whispered in my ear. "You've been so good to be... I want to be good to you Gray." She sat down on my abdomen and pulled my shirt off her body revealing a matching black lace bra. Before I could even react she grabbed my face and started to kiss me. She is always so passionate and caring with her kiss, but this was rougher, she was going for it. She pushed her tongue into mine and I ran my hands down her body grabbing onto her ass. She never broke the kiss but grabbed my hands throwing them above my head.

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