Author's note (Starting)

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Ps, this part is just me ranting about dumb stuff so you can honestly skip it if you really want to. But if you really want to understand my thoughts and motives when writing this, then continue.

1) This isn't going to be your typical Fantasy.

 I want to craft a world with magic because that's what fantasies are. To me, a good fantasy should not matter-load and confuse readers. I have read many fantasies where the author just dumbs the facts and magics etc onto the readers and I think that's not enjoyable at all. So this fantasy is going to start with a very mild/mysterious vibe and (hopefully) end in a very magical and climatic ending.

2) What to expect out of Of Wind And Ash

i. MMO vibes - I love the lore in some of the games and I really like the class systems/character specialisations in MMOs. Although it won't be exactly the same as some awesome MMOs, I will try and get some of that good stuff there.

ii. Mystery - The entire story will have some mystery in it because one of the MCs is a a detective. 

iii. Mild poetry - Kinda into poetry right now so yeah.

iv. Family drama - Like the Hong Kong dramas. Just maybe not that illogical.

v. Death - Yeah, you heard me right. There will be people dying. A book without sacrifice isn't a good book to me. So expect some key figures to die. You have been warned.

3) What are those parts?

My book will be divided into several parts (roughly 3 or 4). The first part which contains the first four chapters (Jolyn and Lucius, A ride to Glorico, Blondie, misconceptions) is called The Wind. Inspiration to do so came from the book "Paper Towns" by John Green. It's one of my favourite books. It has a part system too. 

4) Inspiration

This book is influenced by many things. Here's some of them: (More will be added)


i. Game Of Thrones

ii. Harry Potter

iii. Paper Towns

iv. The Hunger Games

v. Maze Runner Series

vi. Divergent Series (You'll understand why later)


i. Italy (Don't ask)

ii. A ridiculous amount of music by Lindsey Stirling.

iii. Guild Wars 2 and some other games

iv. Some awesome songs. Which brings us to number 5!

5) Songs!!!!

I will try and create a song list for all you readers in the foreseeable future. Music is the key to my soul. It helped me through many hard times and it really helped me to write this so I think it's logical that I honour them by at least mentioning them somewhere in this book. Yeah. Especially Lindsey Stirling's songs.

6) Welcome To My Book!!! ;)

Now I invite you to step into the world of Arborea, click to the next part.

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