Part One: Origins

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Dear Reader, I would like to assume that both of us know the tale Peter Pan? Well, either way, I am obliged to retell the story. And I must apologize, there may be errors. I haven't told a tale so old in centuries. So here's the story. Wait, sorry. My story.

Once upon a time there was a rather large house splat in the middle of a rather large city. And in lived a normal family. The Darlings. But one particular girl was important. Wendy Moira Angelina Darling. She was the oldest of three and the only girl. But she loved her younger brothers dearly. The second oldest child was Michael Nicholas Darling who enjoyed school and books. The youngest child was John Napoleon Darling. All nights were unusual for the Darlings, but this night was unusual in particular.

"Michael! John! Wendy—no, Michael put down that lamp! Eek!" Nanny Sarah leapt out of the way as a lamp smashed against the wall. "Michael! I said put down that lamp!" Nanny Sarah charged Michael and lifted him in the air, still struggling. Wendy rushed over and gripped Michael's leg, but she was yanked around as he kicked. "God bless your sister!" Nanny Sarah shouted over the racket as John began to cry. Michael had kicked something because it had hit John and left a bruise forming under his right eye.

"Nanny Sarah we can't go to bed yet—" Michael looked around for an excuse,"we haven't prayed yet!" He called anxiously. But what Michael had really wanted to say was 'We have to wait for the shadow!', but that would've sounded ridiculous. Suddenly the door banged open and the room fell silent.

"Simply ridiculous!" Mother shrieked. "Father and I are downstairs and the mayor—the mayor!—is with us, but we can't even hear ourselves think over this racket!" She pointed at Michael. "Get in bed young man!" She pointed at John. "Wipe your tears!" And then she pointed at Wendy. "And you. Help Nanny Sarah clean up this mess!" Then she turned on her heel and slammed the door with a bang.

Nanny Sarah look at little John, who sniffled and wiped his eyes. Nanny Sarah dropped Michael in his bed and turned to Wendy, who was kneeling on the floor, placing toys in piles. "I can do it myself, thank you very much. Goodnight young lady." She said curtly, and Wendy stood up and went to her bed. All three kids watched Nanny Sarah pick up their mess, all now feeling guilty, though none of them wanted to admit it. After a few minutes of silence, Nanny Sarah stood up and brushed herself off. She turned, opened the door, and looked at Wendy. Wendy turned and blew out the candle by her bed. Michael flicked off the lamp, and John sniffled. Then they all looked back to her. Nanny Sarah began to shut the door, but stopped. She seemed to be arguing with herself, then she sighed and said,"Goodnight and God bless us." Then she shut the door. Wendy waited until she couldn't hear footsteps then spoke.

"Quick, open the window!" She whispered to Michael. She opened the bedside table and took out the box of matches, striking it against the table. Then she lit the candle and waited. Suddenly, they saw a shadow flit across the sky, and the the wind whistled through the trees. The candle blew out. Frantically, Wendy lit another match and held it out in front of her. "Shadow?" She asked tentatively. Something rustled behind her. She whirled and let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "You're back!" She cried, and blew out the match after lighting the candle. The shadow danced around the room, seemingly happy.

"What will we do today?" Michael asked excitedly. The shadow pointed at a figurine on the floor, it was a soldier. It leapt up and pranced stupidly around the room shooting plastic pellets randomly around the room. Michael clapped and cheered. Wendy, forgetting for a moment that her parents were downstairs, joined in. John pointed at his other figures.

"Make those dance!" He demanded.

"John!" Muttered Wendy. "If you're rude, the shadow won't come again." She looked at him, "Apologize." She said. John pouted, but muttered:

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