Part Two: Happily Ever After Doesn't Exist

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And then they all lived happily ever after! Pfft, just kidding. We all know that never happens.

So now you know my story. Hi everybody! I'm Wendy Darling, and that was sarcasm. I'm not actually happy. In fact, I'm pretty mad. Why? Must you ask? Well, we read all those storybooks, and think, wow! I want my own fairytale! It'll be awesome and I'll find a princess or a prince will rescue me! Then we'll run away and go live happily ever after in a palace on a cloud! Well, I hate to burst your bubble (no I don't!), but happily ever after doesn't exist. I found that out when I left Neverland. Peter moved on, though I didn't, and now Tink is gone, so I have no one to talk to. I know I'm the leader of the Lost Girls. You think we're supposed to prance around and a circle holding hands and singing "God Bless Us All"? Half of the girls don't even know that song. Well, all aboard the train of reality. I never though I'd say this, but being a Lost Girl is boring. At least Neverland had crazy mermaids! The only sanctuary I have from myself and my crazy thoughts is Elune's Meadow. You know the myths? Rashad the sun god and his wife Elune? Well, it's named after her meadow in Ilyia. In Elune's Meadow, I can at least talk to the trees, and they speak back (yes, the trees talk, I swear I'm not crazy), unlike the Lost Girls, who just nod or mumble incoherently. I feel like the only connecting us was Tink and now that she' that she's dead, we aren't connected anymore. I mean, at first they were all smiles, welcoming me with open arms but now that I know my place and my way around the island they're distant. Not mean, just not close enough to call friends. Well, I guess you don't want to listen to me rambling? Well, I'll get on with the story...


I sit on the floor, hunched against the wall in a corner, staring off into space.

"Wendy?" A cautious voice asks from the doorway. I don't even blink. Kaelyn steps in. I regret not speaking. She's one of the only gentle ones, one of the only ones that are nice to me. One of the ones that even gives me the time of day. I turn my head slightly and look at her. She smiles gently and sits down next to me. "You're thinking about Peter." She says. It's not even a question. It's a statement. I tuck my head between my knees.

"Can you go away?" I ask. She doesn't get up, but she scoots closer and gives me a small hug.

"No." She says softly. I stay quiet, letting her comfort me. I look up a sniffle loudly. A tear streaks down my cheek. Kaelyn doesn't it wipe away, thankfully. She's not one of the gooey, lovey-dovey girls who bawl their eyes out with their friends. She lets you cry your eyes out, and sits there, handing you tissues. But I don't cry. I wipe away the single tear and stand up.

"Thanks." I mutter, embarrassed that she saw my tears. I'm the leader of the Lost Girls. I don't cry. She nods and stands up.

"I wish you wouldn't be so hard on yourself. It's not your fault Peter kissed her." She says softly. I nod, trying not to remember the day, but it forces itself into my mind and replays.


Wendy strolled through the woods, after the battle. It was dark. The Lost Girls were going to take her to Everland in the morning. She hopped over a log, recognizing the trail that took her towards Moonlight Lake. She huffed and began to turn, but heard Peter's voice. She stopped, turned back to the trail and walked cautiously along the small dirt road. She came to the clearing and stopped. Hidden by the trees, she peered out. Peter sat on the center rock, talking to a mermaid. Sylvia.

"Peter..." Sylvia whispered. He shook his head.

"No, Sylvia." Peter was faced away from Wendy, so Sylvia was facing Wendy. Her eyes caught Wendy's. Wendy pulled her head back but it was too late. Sylvia had seen her. Sylvia grinned wickedly. Then she pulled Peter's head down and kissed him. Wendy's jaw dropped. They stayed like that for a few a moments. Peter didn't pull away. Sylvia broke away, and said:

"Thank you, Peter." Then she slipped under the water. Peter sat there. A year ran down Wendy's cheek. A soft sob escaped her lips, but Peter heard it. He turned.

"Wendy?" He called. He saw her face and stood. "Wendy!" He called, louder, seeing her face. She shook her head, turned, and fled.


The memory fades away. Tears streak down my face, dripping from my chin onto the floor. I crumple to my knees, sobbing. Kaelyn, looking baffled, kneels beside me. I don't even attempt to stop the tears. She holds out a tissue, but I don't take it. It won't be able to stop the flow of tears from my eyes. The image of Peter and Sylvia kissing is frozen and branded on my brain, but it has never been as vivid as now. Anger clouds my vision and I fling out my hand. The couch explodes and feathers rain down. I begin to sob again. Kaelyn says something, but I don't hear, because anger boils up inside me again. I raise my head and scream at the ceiling.

"I hate you, Peter Pan!"

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