When Riza met Maine...

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Maine was listening to Valeen's rant about how their friend Patricia was turning into a bridezilla when she felt someone staring at her. Maine looked out towards the foyer of Valeen's office and that's when she saw a young woman looking at her. The woman blanched when she saw Maine looking back at her. Maine frowned slightly. There was something familiar about the woman but couldn't place where she might have seen her before. Maine heard Ashley call out to the girl and she partially disappeared from Maine's view.

"Can you believe her? I mean, honestly -"

"Val, who's that girl?"

Valeen looked over at Maine.

"What girl?"

Maine pointed towards the open door and said,

"Her. The one Ashley's talking to."

"Oh! That's Riza. She's one of our interns. And she'll be the one working with you."

"Working with me?"

"Yes. Don't you remember? She'll be working with you on your dress for the wedding as well as your gown for the Gala."

Maine frowned, "Val, I already told you. I don't need a custom made gown for the Gala. I can wear one of yours from last season or something."

Valeen gasped, "What?! Have my best friend wear a last season gown? Even if it is one of mine, are you out of your mind?!?!"

Valeen looked at Maine in horror.

Maine flinched. Ok, so, mentioning to wear anything from last season to what everyone considers the social event of the year may have been the wrong thing to say to Valeen (well, to any designer really.....). Maine looked at Valeen with an apologetic look and sighed.

"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry I said that. But really, it's not necessary for me to work with one of your designers. I don't need nor want anything too fancy. You can just loan me one from your current collection."

"No way! After years of trying to get you to come to this gala, you actually think that I'm going to let you go wearing just anything? Hell no! Girl, I am making you Cinderella of the ball."

"Cinderella? Val, the last thing I want is to be Cinderella. Besides, I probably won't stay long, maybe an hour."

"What?! What are you talking about? You promised me that you would go and have fun. How are you going to have fun if you're not going stay for more than an hour?"

Maine sigh, "Well, I still don't think that it's a good idea for me to go at all."

Val was about to launch a tirade on her when they both heard a knock on the door. Maine gave a sigh of relief, welcoming the interruption.

Ashley poked her head in and said, "Is everything ok?"

Val sighed in frustration, "Yes, Ashley. Maine is just giving me a migraine."

"Hey!" Maine protested.

"Well, you are! And we're not done. You're going to that gala and staying even if I have to hog tie you down!".

"Val, I seriously don't understand what the big deal is. It's just a dinner and you know I'm not big on crowds."

Val looked about to pop a vein when Maine again dismissed the Gala as if it was some junior high dance. Val took a deep breath, looked at Maine and with a resigned voice said,

"Ok, fine. I want you to go and to stay because I'm hoping that you and RJ could finally meet."

A loud gasp was heard and everyone looked in the direction that it came from. Standing from the doorway was Riza, who looked like she was about to pass out. Maine immediately ran to her and put her arms around Riza in case she did pass out.

"Are you alright?", Maine asked Riza.

Valeen and Ashley had also ran to Riza and helped Maine bring her to the couch.

Riza took a deep breath trying to calm herself, "I'm sorry! I just felt a little dizzy there for a second. I'm ok now."

Val looked at Riza and noticed how the girl was avoiding looking at her.

"Riza, are you sure you're ok? Ashley, can you please get her some water?"

"Oh! No, no! I'm fine Ms. V. Really, I'm ok now."

Val hesitated, taking note that the girl was still looking pale. She shook her head and looked at Maine.

"Maine, this is Riza Reyes. Riza, Maine Mendoza. And you, Riza, my dear will be creating a gown for Ms. Mendoza to wear at this year's New York Gala."

"You want me to design Ms. Mendoza's gown for the Gala?!", Riza squeaked in surprise.

"Yes. I think that you're the perfect designer to come up with something fabulous for Maine."

"But Ms. V, I'm only an intern. I'm sure Sir JT or Ms. Kat would be more suitable in working with Ms. Maine." Riza protested.

"Nope. You and Maine have similar tastes when it comes to fashion which is why I think the two of you will be able to design a gown that is perfect for her", Valeen declared.

Maine raised an eyebrow and was about to protest again when they heard a commotion outside Valeen's office. A hurried Kat rushed through the door with a very worried look on her face.

"Ms. V! You need to come quickly! Mrs. Sullivan has changed her mind again on the design of her gown and she's complaining about the color of the fabric. And JT looks like he wants to strangle her with the fabric!"

"Oh, my! I'm coming!", Valeen was half way out the door when she turned back around and pointed at Maine and Riza.

"You two! Talk. Get to know each other. Set an appointment to meet so that you can start on the gown. No ifs, ands or but!", was Valeen's last parting words as she ran out the door with Ashley in tow.

Maine and Riza stood silently for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts as to what to make of Valeen's orders. Although, Riza's thoughts, and gaze, were on Maine. Riza was sure that she has never met Maine before but there was something about Maine that reminded her of someone. When Maine realized that the young woman was staring at her, she couldn't help but stare back. She smiled at the young woman and said,

"Did my eyeliner run again? I had to cut across the park to get here so I must look a fright."

Riza blushed, embarrassed at being caught staring at a client, not to mention her boss' best friend.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to stare at you", she stammered, "It's just that you look like someone I know but not quite sure.", Riza confessed.

Maine laughed softly and gave Riza a smile.

"Oh, I get that a lot. I apparently have "one of those faces".", said Maine, air quoting the last part.

Riza couldn't help be taken by Maine's smile. Maine was beautiful but when she smiled, it was like the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center during the holidays, it can dazzle the whole city.

"So, I guess you're stuck with me for the next of couple weeks. I would defy Val, run to Bloomingdale's and just buy something off the rack but at this point, I do still value my life.", Maine said jokingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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