Breakups and Massages

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BAD Era:

Imagine this:

"Honey, I'm home!" You exclaimed. You just came back home from a long day of work, and your boss has gotten on you nerves nonstop. "Honey? Where are you?" You said as you took super fast steps up the stairs, so you could get right into bed with your boyfriend. Making your way down the hall you got to your bedroom. You turn the doorknob, but it was locked. "Brandon? Are you okay?" You said with worry in your voice. You put your ear on the center of the door to see if you could hear if he was taking a shower or sleeping. But you heard scuffling. Like someone was scavenging for something. You tried to twist the handle with all your might to see if you could get in, but it was no use. Fortunately, you went into your purse and found a stray bobby pin and stuck it into the whole beneath the door knob. Then after about 2 minutes of trying to find the right nook, you heard a click. "Walla!" You said with a sigh of relief. You literally busted open the door to see if Brandon (your boyfriend) was alright. Your eyes scanned your bedroom to see that the bed was messed up completely. Things were sprawled on the floor, and there was a perfume or feminine smell that filled the air. You knew something was up. Then you heard the same scuffling in the bathroom. You snapped your head to the direction of the bathroom and tried to act as calm as you could. When you walked in, their stood your boyfriend with an terrified look on his face. "Hey baby, what are you doing in here? I was worried for God's sake!" You said in a panicky tone. Um.. is all Brandon could say. You looked deep into his eyes and saw fear, agony, and guilt. Then you saw a giant hickey on his neck. Your eyes moved to what he had in his hands. Your precious makeup bag. You put the puzzle together. Their stood your wonderful, now ex boyfriend standing right in front of you. You then saw pink lipstick stains all over his shirt, and his hair all ruffled. "I'm sorry baby, I just-" "No, Brandon, I see all the guilt in your eyes right now, trying to "patch up" that humongous hickey on your neck! I'm guessing I was never that good for you, and you know I would of found out sooner or later about you CHEATING on me! WE'RE THROUGH!" And with that you stormed out the bathroom and yelled, "And take the makeup too! You've found GREAT use of it!" You yell in a sarcastic, harsh tone. You grab your keys, and slam the front door as hard as you can.

You get into the car, and drove to the nearest massage place. You were on the verge of tears as your eyes became cloudy. But being the tough/macho girl you are, you weren't gonna let this get to you. You wiped your tears and got out of the car. You walked inside and scheduled your massage to the receptionist. Surprisingly, no one was there. You picked up Seventeen Magazine and skimmed through it not interested in anything. In about 5 mins or so, one of the massage therapists come out to call your name. You've been to this massage place about a million times, and your almost sure you've never seen this man before. He looked to be in his late 20s. He had black curly hair pulled back into a sloppy ponytail, with a few loose curly strands dangling onto his forehead. He had deep brown eyes, and a flawless face. And not to mention he had nice, white, sparkly dazzling teeth. Gosh he's gorgeous. He had on a silk red button up shirt tucked into black slacks, and penny loafers. How classy, you dreamed. You were in a daze for a while until you saw the same person only closer to you. Oh God he's close to me! You could smell the enriched fragrance of his cologne smelling like cinnamon mixed with vanilla. "Um.. Miss, excuse me? Hello?" He said. He had a pure, soft innocent high voice unusual for a man, but it suited him. "Uh.. What?" You said shaking your head to get back to reality. "Oh sorry, I was just in a daze." You said looking down in embarrassment. "Talking about my enriched fragrance with cinnamon mixed with vanilla?" He chuckled with a sly smirk. "Oh gosh, I was thinking.. erm daydreaming out loud!" You said as your cheeks felt as if they were getting heated on a stove. "Sorry" you said quietly. " "Oh don't be! I didn't even know I even smelled like that!" He said shyly, but amused. "Well I'll take you right this way miss." He said walking in front of you. As you guys were walking to one of the massage rooms, you tapped him ever so lightly. "Um, sorry sir may I ask you a question?" You said thinking he'd probably say no. He stopped and turned around and looked you deep into your eyes. "Yes?" He said cheerily with a cute smile on his face. "Are you going to be my massage therapist?" You said feeling your cheeks once again feeling like they've been heated on the stove. He looked into your eyes yet again making you feel butterflies in your stomach. "Yes! Of course!" He exclaimed. You were hoping he would. He led you into one of the massage rooms. He winked and closed the door. You smiled back and locked it making sure no one came in. You squealed with glee as you grabbed one of the white towels from a stack of clean folded ones. You wrapped it around you and opened up the door. He came into the room and closed the door behind him. He stared at you biting his lip. You got on the bed on your stomach and felt his warm hands position you. Every part of your body tingled every time he touched you. About 5 mins later, he asked you some questions. "So what's your name?" He said while massaging your shoulders. "Y/F/N Y/L/N." You smiled as you felt his fingers massage deeply into your shoulders, but gently. "Beautiful name!" He said. Gosh how many things you wanted him to do to you. "So why are you here?" He said. Your facial expression instantly dropped. You opened your eyes and said, "Well, I'm here because my boyfriend cheated on me about an hour ago. He tried to hide the hickey i saw on his neck which looked fresh with makeup. I'm done with him now." You said with sadness in your voice. "I'm so sorry to hear that. He obviously wasn't thinking and does not deserve a woman as good as you are!" He exclaimed with a little fury in his voice. You were shocked to hear this from a stranger who just met you an hour ago. After your'e one hour session was up, you changed back into your clothes. You opened up the door feeling refreshed and happy. The man was standing up against the wall with a clip board in his hand. "Ah, here Y/N!" He said handing out your payment slip to you. And with that he dissapeared. "But I didn't get to catch your name!" You said a little sad. You looked at the paper, and then flipped the back of the paper over. You smiled ear to ear as you read this: Hello lovely, my name is Michael Jackson. Under it, you saw his phone number. And below that it said, call me!! XOXO. You didn't even know him! You took the paper close to your chest.

His name is Michael... you thought dreamily. And with that you walked out the door.

Should i do a part 2? Leave Comments down below!

P.S. That gif above is how he looked like at the massage place

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