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I blankly stared out of the window and saw the destroyed buildings. The traffic lights on the road we will take has also been useless and kept on lighting up. Many stood on the line outside so they can go out of this area and some were creating chaos outside.

Everyone kept talking inside the bus feeling the uneasiness due to what happened earlier.

Wait.. What exactly happened? I could feel my head burning. I can't seem to remember anything. Something seems off. Well, everything's off when it comes to my life. From the very start I knew I was not an ordinary girl. I had a talent. I'm a mage. I could literally see everything what I wanted people to see. My family tried to convince me that it was just my imagination. But then it happened..

Me and my friend played and acted like we had some superhuman abilities. He was doing the light power while I tried to do the fire power. The maid that was supervising us said that we looked cute for our age pretending to have powers. While we continued to play in our backyard the maid suddenly screamed for help and almost hysterical.

"Help! The mansion's burning!"

Me and my friend were very nervous and hurriedly ran to where the maid is. We looked at the direction of where the maid supposedly saw the "fire" but surprisingly there was no fire.

"Ma'am I think you're eyes are tricking you. There is no fire. We can't smell smoke nor see any signs of fire." my friend said to the maid.

"Amanda! What is happening here?" my mom came to the scene and panic was obvious in her face and in her tone of voice.

"Ma'am the mansion is burning look! Can't you see it? The whole... Mansion.. It's slowly burning to ashes." we saw the horrified face of the maid and turned to me.

"You! What did you do?! You are a fiend! You must be condemned." she suddenly got ready to attack me.

My mom protected us and slapped her very hard that she fell on the ground. "You dare oppose your masters?! Get out of here. You are fired." she said with finality. Even so the maid seemed to be grateful and ran as fast as she can.

"Mom what happened?" I was teary eyed and saw the concern and uneasiness in her face. "It's alright everything's going to be fine."

"Attention passengers!" I jolted because of the loud voice from the microphone that woke me up. I didn't realize that I fell alsleep. "We are here to evacuate you from Area 11 to Area 17. Please do tell us if you know someone that still might be somewhere in the city. I repeat.."

For a sudden I felt ill and the burning sensation was in my head again. Someone I know... Then voices suddenly errupted in my head.

"Cassie! What are you doing?" I clutched tight on my bag because of pain.

"Hurry run!"
"He's too late! We must go no-" the person didn't get to finish what he was saying because of a large explosion? I don't know anymore. I remember my past, I remember going to Northern Academy and also the people I know. The odd thing is I don't remember much of the graduation it's like it's scattered.

"..If anyone's in there that you know please step up here so we could help you." silence fell in the bus but they gave a very attentive feeling. Except for me.

"Okay so I guess that concludes it. We will now depart."

The sound of the engine and the vibrations from the bus started to be perceived. We are heading to Area 17 where there's a city that is guarded and also a military base for the soldiers. As we continued to head their I could see many lifeless bodies and the destruction that he brought- the Master of all Magick, in the road, buildings and many more. No one knows his true purpose nor his identity but they say that he's tenfold more powerful than the Twelve Shields.

With my earphones on, I suddenly felt a massive amount of magic power. Saying "massive" is an understatement. I literally could feel my bones vibrating. The bus turned to a stop because the engine's not working. Many people now tried to protest and desperate to save their own lives. Several waves of explosion was perceived even in this distance. Apparently Area 11 has been targeted and the bus driver tried to contact both Area 11 and 17 but the one they succesfully contacted is the latter. While heading there the bad feeling I had from earlier didn't subside.

Miraculously we made it and we could see the chaos in the place because of people complaining. I began to search for an unknown reason and touched the necklace beneath my shirt. It was shaped like the moon but with crystals.

The first thing I went to was the library. Odd enough my mind completely went blank and my hands began moving on it's own. Not too far the from the library I heard gunshots and people screaming outside.

I could sense again the massive magic power earlier but now it is more concentrated. I hurried down and bought all the books I picked up then I went to the trees so I can't be seen. There's a peculiar man standing in the center of the people with his army. He had a long sleeves and a high collared violet cloak that extends up until his ankle.

"An unpleasant morning to all of you. As you have guessed I am here to.. Well, eradicate this place including all the living things" then the people began to protest and tried to attack him but then he charged his magical pressure that left the people, including me, to be stunned and terrified. "It's a shame because I wanted to reach all of you telepathically but I prefer to see your horrified faces in personal."

He laughed then suddenly he turned away with his army while he summoned a staff. When he was far enough the people thought that he came here just for threatening us. No, you got to escape! That's! Even in this distance the magic power is still growing. It's like his magic container is so deep that he could emit such energy.

Before my hunch could happen I covered an entire area where my range is with defensive spell that I learned from the academy. The area's just limited and I secured in there the non-combatant people and some knows how to fight just in case. I don't know if it can hold that much of magic power but at least the chances of survival is 50/50.

I saw the sky turning into red and dark clouds is being gathered between the magic user earlier and Area 17. The soldiers were out of their base then prepared all of the tanks. Some fired towards the magic users but it just deflected.

"This is the day that all of you will bow before me! Before all of you die I want you to realize that no matter how you struggle, the ones who opposes me shall be banished forever!"

Then while pointing his staff in the gathered clouds a titanic creature came out. It's a god! He's summoning a god?! What ridiculous magical power.

I could hear some were crying and there was a tension in the air. Now I have something that I am most certain of. This is just the beginning.

The god started to charge his fist with magic power. I saw that he used the dark clouds as his medium of destruction. He punched the ground and the dark  clouds ate all of the things that's in it's way. In addition to that the god's strength also added to the catastrophe. In a blink of an eye the entire city blew into ashes. The ones I protected and I barely made it and experienced some of the impact. They cried and shuddered as they looked around and saw no remnants of the dead nor any buildings but only ashes and fire. It looked like war happened here.

No, I thought to myself, This 'is' war.

Shields of Retribution: Book of PerfectionWhere stories live. Discover now