Chapter 1: The Grimreaper

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August 9, XX91

Even now, I can hear the screams of the people who was murdered by the servants of the dark lord. The citizens of Gaia including me know him as The Master of all Magick.Never did I thought that the cities will turn into rubbles. Not only magic users fought with their lives but the humans also drew their tanks, guns and advanced technology. But unfortunately magic knows no boundaries when it comes to him.

It's been two years since we were sent to Area 17 but as it turned out it was burned to the ground. Only few survived it. Including me. Since then I traveled and traveled so I wouldn't be traced by the Warlocks. Every now and then I would end up city to city and would mourn for the people who loss their lives inevitably.

Many people begged for help while I watched them being eradicated by the Warlocks. I tried to help but I was scared. I was shocked because these servants are no ordinary servants. It even surpasses the power of the twelve or to be precise, they have the power that spoils are weaknesses. If something changed in the past few years then it's my humility.

Xiena, one of the leading city was the safest of the places I've ever been. There have been magic users who have constantly put a fabric of magic around this place. Mages and Warlocks united just for once in this country so that they will be spared.Fortunately, one of the soldiers here found me lying on the streets before. It has been my safe haven and my home.

Even in this city I don't trust anyone. I could see it in their eyes. The desire for revenge and blood. I had seen those eyes before from the twelve.

When I looked at the night sky it looks very promising but odd and scary like the eyes of a desperate and struggling man. Even though many stars can be seen, all things in this world is bathed by the red moon's light. It's like the color of blood that spilled from all the cities reflected towards the moon.

Legends say that it is a sign of a great calamity. After seeing all of the twisted ways of the dark lord, I never doubted anything that seems irrational from the books I've read. I guess if magic is possible then maybe it is the same too. I don't know who to blame this chaos, is it the ones who painted the world with black or the ones who just stood their and let the evil ones to appreciate their own 'masterpiece'?

Tsk. Like I'm not the same...

When I looked around the people suddenly disappeared. Even at night there should be people who walks in here. Odd. The whole city was quiet like a miracle suddenly made it's way to this world and let the living and the departed jump with joy. It's as if peace came upon a small place, excluding it from the chaotic world out there. I checked the windows of the metal-made houses from my viewpoint here under the light post and saw that the lights are on but.. Why?

I climbed the light post and searched if any vehicle travelled but to my disappointment I saw nothing. But when I was about to climb down I saw the Base Camp of the runic soldiers with all of their lights on and it seems that there's chaos in there. I heard gunshots even from this distance.

I quickly came down and readied my metal arm band in case trouble comes in my way. I cloaked myself in the shadows and I could still feel the uneasiness in the surroundings. I went to the shortcut to the main body of the city. The way has no houses and just a continuous high white wall and only few rectangular-shaped lights in it.

I took out my lacrima from my pouch that can connect with Marion, the soldier who saved me, anytime and anywhere using magic. It is like a crystal ball but the difference is this is made of high density crystal and it is harder. "Marion are you there?"

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