New School No Problem. 1

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It was the first day of my new school and I was not happy.

I woke up to my alarm blasting if you say so by vinyl theatre. I walked over to my mirror and cringed. Man was I ugly. I fixed my black hair to look it's naturally wavy self. I slipped on a white tee, leggings, and a jacket just in case it got cold.

I walked downstairs to see my foster mom at the kitchen table eating her cereal. (Let's not talk about my real parents, I'll tell you about them later.)

" you ready for school?" She asked with a mouthful of cereal running down her face. I laughed and nodded at her, not wanting to talk because of how early it was.

I saw her wipe up some stray milk running down her chin. I silently laughed and made myself some toast.
I heard the toaster ding and I was fully awoken now.( let me just tell you not for long.) I spread the butter and grape jelly over the lightly crisped toast, and walked over to the chair next to Niccole.

" I'm planning on picking you up after school and I better not get any bad reports about a fire starting out of the blue or water coming out of the girls room. Not again. Please be good and I love you got to go to work. Like I said be good." She yelled to me as she got her purse and rushed out of the door.

I sighed and finished my bowl and put it in the sink.
I slipped my black ankle top converse on and grabbed my keys from its holster. I hopped in my black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. Yeah I know it's old, but what am I kidding its a great car. I couldn't resist.

I drove into the school parking lot with eyes burning holes into my loud old car.
I stepped out and fixed my shirt, tucked in in the front and flared in the back to cover my butt.

I left the stares alone and listened in to what they were saying. Yeah having powers comes with little perks like these.

Ew who is she
What is she wearing
Wow she's hot
Now we've got a new kid
Does alpha know she's on his land

Now that was the comment that got to me. There were Werwolves here. I'm screwed.
I kept walking like nothing happened into the front office.
"Hi I'm Dawn Mortuis and I'm here for my schedule." I smiled trying to be nice.

"Well hello Dawn let me just pull this out... And here you go welcome to solis high school." I nodded in thanks and went on my way.

Oh will I have fun here. (No need to note the sarcasm.)

AN- I'm trying something new here so just bear with me. XD

Also not my pictures. :D

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