Since when were in the closet? 22

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Tyler Hoechlin'll see. I also just used him as Derek cause I thought that name fit him good.

Tate POV
It was the end of training and everyone was leaving the training area. Claire had come out of the house with Chris trailing close behind and it just made me want a mate more and more. I mean being the older brother I should have gotten my mate first. Well it was only by sixteen minutes so I can't say much. I was walking back into the house when I smelled the best smell ever. It smelled like smoke and chocolate. Weirdest combination, but smelled wonderful. I brushed it off as someone starting a fire then went upstairs to my room to change. I took a shower and put some sweatpants on. I decided to go downstairs and try to find someone to mess with or something to eat cause I was bored. I walked downstairs and smelled that scent again. I decided to go outside to try and find the fire or something. As I was walking out I saw him. Higher rank guy. He was at the forest line in only athletic shorts seeing as he just came back from shifting. We both stopped. Then I heard the words I have been waiting for.

"Mate." I was in absolute shock that I was gay,but the guy looked like a God and I couldn't let him down. Just look at those muscles I could just run my- I was cut off by hands on my face. We were about the same height even thought he was about two inches taller. He started leaning in and I found myself too. It was the most passionate kiss that I have ever had in my whole life time. I hooked my arms around his waist while he still had his on my head. We pulled away for air and I rested my head on top of his. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?" He said in the most gorgeous raspy voice I've heard. "Well I hope it was worth it cause it was for me." I said while smiling. "Oh you have no idea." He said while kissing me with the same passion again. I was brought back into some of reality and pulled away. "Two questions, well kind of one question. You were mean to me the other day and didn't do anything about it, and why didn't I feel these feelings before? I mean I'm 19 I should have felt them." He nodded his head and gave me a quick peck. " the reason I was mean to you was because I was just mad and it was the morning. I also thought you were new into the pack and I didn't want to deal with pack bullshit at the moment." I nodded my head and gave him a quick kiss like he did. He smiled," the reason why you didn't feel it at first was because you had to want a mate at the moment. I was denying my sexuality at the time, another reason why I was cranky, and that's why you really didn't feel it at first. Now that I've met you. I don't wanna be a bow and arrow. I will be as gay as you want me to. I would do anything for you and we just met. I mean what's so bad about being gay when your in my life right?" I rolled my eyes looked at him." If this is your coming out speech I need one too. I didn't even know I was gay until now. I've never really noticed it before. I mean to repeat what you said if this is what being gay is like I wouldn't wish for anything else. You cheesy bastard." He laughed and I buried my head in the crook of his naked chest. We held each other like this for a couple minutes until reality hit him like a brick. "Go put a shirt on before I take you right here right now. Then we can talk about each other." I nodded my head and kissed him then went up to put a shirt on. I was going to walk out of the room when he walked in with a shirt on. He sauntered over towards me then picked me up while he kissed me. He threw me on the bed without breaking contact and we just kissed for what felt like forever. I wanted it to be forever.

"Let's start over. Hello my name is Tate Mence and I am 19 years old here to save my sister and train the pack." I stuck my hand out. "My name is Derek Hale and I am the delta to this pack. I am 25 years old and have been waiting for you way to long." He said while I kind of cringed at the age number. I mean at least he wasn't thirty or forty. "So your here to train the pack. Do you have to leave after this?" He got sad all of the sudden and almost looked like he was going to cry. "Who's the gay one now." I said while he glared back at me. "Sorry that's my sort of reflex to things like that. Sometimes they don't lighten the mood." He looked up at me with the saddest eyes ever. "So does that mean y-your leaving m-me?" He asked trying to choke the tears down. "No no no I don't think so. Both my sisters are mates to higher ranks than you. I definitely think they are going to stay. The 'government' released us a couple of years ago so I'm free to do whatever. I plan on staying with my mate for the rest of my life and they can't take me away from that." He had the most beautiful smile on his face and he tackled me on the bed. Before he could kiss me I said wait. "What-what's wrong." He asked looking all over my face with worry. "No stop that. I wanna see your smile again it was pretty." He smiled and I just kind of looked at him creepily. "Hey babe can you stop looking at me like a kid who just got a new toy?" He said while staring down at me. My stomach fluttered when he said babe. He was straddling my waist and hoisting himself above me. "Well I mean I am a kid and you could be my toy, but i won't go there." He scoffed and kissed me for the millionth time. "Wait wait." I said again. He looked at me and he sighed. He smiled and it made me smile too. "Thank you." I exclaimed while putting my arms around his neck. "Only for you." I laughed and kissed him again. We ended up staying awake all night and just talked about ourselves. We talked kissed talked kissed some more then talked then I kicked him out cause I need my sleep.


OMG IM GAY! I guess that's ok. I can make an exception.

For him.


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