Mate!?! 3

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The guy looked over at me and jogged over towards me. I tried to act as normal as I could and started talking to Clara. He started getting closer and closer until his eyes got black and I knew.

I needed to truck it.

I told Clara i was going to the stand where the food was. The exit door was right by it and I decided to leave. I saw him smelling the air and looked over here. I ripped the door open as I saw him running. I closed the door and bolted it with big vines and wolfsbane.

I started running to my house because I knew it wouldn't be to long until he could open it. I was like a track runner and the only way I was running is because of adrenalin. I opened the door and Niccole was home early which I was so happy for and I run into her arms.

"I found my mate"


I told her everything. I mean she is the closest thing I have to a mom.

"what it is. Did you use your powers again?" she asked looking disappointed. "No and yes. I did use my powers, but that's not the problem here.- she looked at me to go on.- I figured out I have a werewolf mate at lunch today. I didn't know what to do so I bolted out the back door and ran home. Please don't be mad at me for skipping." she looked absolutely shocked.

"I'm not mad I'm just surprised that you have a mate. A werewolf one at that. There hasn't been any elemental with a werewolf mate since ... Just try not to talk to him until I've talked to them ok?" I looked at her like she was crazy. "You can't tell them. They would hide me again and all I want to do is have a normal life for once ok!" Niccole looked at me sad and hugged me. "So you want to have a mate?" I looked up at her dark brown eyes and said,"I guess we'll see." I shrugged

"You wanna watch twilight with me?" We both laughed as I nodded my head.


     I woke up to hooligans by Issues (it's better than it puts off don't worry) and made my way towards my closet. I picked out a grey V-neck and light colored skinny jeans. I Straightened my hair and put my ray bans over my sea blue eyes and walked down stairs. I made my self a bagel and sat next to Niccole.

"Hey just talk today easy. If you want to come home you can. I don't have to tell them ok, but if it gets to that point I will." I nodded my head and ate my breakfast.

your probably wondering how she knows everything like this. well, she is half witch. witches are usually the supernatural creature that stands to the side and watches everything unfold. other supernaturals usually have to come to them.

I walked over to my keys and slipped on my combat boots. I walked out to my baby and hopped in the front. I made my way over to the school and hopped out. There weren't many people staring at me this time but it was still a bit to much.

I walked to my locker and got my stuff as quick as I could so that he wouldn't get to me in that time period. I rushed to my first class and sat down in my seat. People started filling in and I couldn't help but be nervous.

What does he really look like? what color are his eyes? I wonder if he's nice. Would I feel sparks too? Does he have abs? I can already tell I have the pull, but dang I think about this boy a lot. I don't even really know him. By the time my thinking was over class was too. I rushed out towards my next class and so on.

I was standing in front of the lunchroom doors wondering if I should even go in. I decided I should let it go. Maybe he isn't my mate. I just have to wait and see.

"Hey what is going on you never came back from that lunch run." I struggled to think of something to say until," well I just had a moment to throw up just looking at one of the meals and so I went to the nurse and they told me to go home so." I thought for a second on how my car got back home but brushed that off. everyone had an oh face and went back to eating.

we were talking about what superpowers we would have until he came in everyone looked his way for a quick second but turned away. I didn't though. He looked around the lunchroom until his eyes came across mine. I quickly turned away and made Clara talk to me.

this helped for a little bit until I decided to go out to the restroom to see if I could get away from his gaze. I opened the double doors and made my way down the hallway. I heard the double doors open again and was frozen in my steps. I felt tingles on my wrist and was turned around to meet beautiful green eyes. I looked at him for a little bit until I asked, " what are you doing? Get off me." I felt hurt but I had to let it go if I wanted to act human. He looked sad and put his hand out. "Sorry for that. My names Dylan I just noticed you were new here." I stuck my small hand into his and it just felt right. "My name is dawn and if you would excuse me I have to go to the bathroom." I left his hand and it felt empty. "Uh yeah sorry about that." He rubbed the back of his neck. He was so hot. I shook my head at the thought. Remember what happened to the other. I walked off until he said something else. "Can I at least have your phone number." He yelled to me and I stopped walking. "If you give me a paper and pen." I walked to the restroom and slid down the door.

How does he do this to me.      

AN- so there's 3 hope you enjoyed. I made it longer so your welcome

Do powers make me look Fat?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora