Thirteen: Disgraced

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By two o'clock Pa comes to Ma's house to pick us up which doesn't please Ma, but the both of us knew he wouldn't. Pa doesn't pay mind to Ma silently fuming and simply hugs and kisses Anya before he turns to me with an unnatural grin plastered on his face making me feel uneasy. He puts Anya down and walks over to me, and Ma eyes him curiously, slightly taken aback by his cheerful demeanor at picking me up for the weekend. He doesn't appear to be himself since every time he comes here and looks at me he'd rather be anywhere but here with me, but today he looks like he can't wait to spend time with me.

"Come on, Gwen," he ushers me. "You can't be late for dinner."

I raise an eye brow at his as he pushes me and Anya out of the door not letting Ma, Anya, and I have a proper goodbye before we leave. Something is definitely off about him and he is definitely up to something but I can't quite put my finger on it. Before I know it we're on the road to the other side of town with Pa smiling and humming happily while drumming his fingers on the wheel. I look away from the slightly off putting sight and out the window watching trees and houses and people fly out of view until I catch a familiar face.

My eyes grow wide and I quickly look behind the car from the window in the back frantically trying to make sure it wasn't him, but I no longer see him again. I sigh in relief, turn back around, and rest my head against the cool window starring ahead at nothing in particular. A minute pass by before I look down at the side view mirror when I see his face crystal clear, and I hold my breath.

His playful and flirtatious green eyes stare back into my gray ones, dull and without any spark to them. He is smiling deviously and his whole expression screams mischief with a hint of mystery that would have girls crawling to him and begging for his attention. I was one of those girls and I was such a fool to have put all of my faith and trust into a boy I didn't even know. He had on his mask every time he was around me while I was bare naked, and that was my first mistake.

Without realizing it, my knuckles have turned white from how hard I'm clutching onto my legs. I should stop and I should look away, but just like the first time we met I can't take my tear my gaze away from him, almost hypnotized by his eyes. It's even becoming increasingly difficult to breathe especially with my hear beat going a thousand beats a minute, and it's all because I can see him even though I know he is not actually here. I'm chanting this in my head yet I'm paralyzed as if I'm seeing a ghost in the flesh, but Curt might as well be one from the way I'm reacting.

He doesn't speak to me or do anything but stare at me with a spark in his eyes making me incredibly uncomfortable. I want to look away. I want to get out of this car, and I'm slightly tempted to just open the door and jump out. It's crazy, but I'm that desperate enough to actually plot a plan involving that action in it.

Somebody touches my arm without my knowing and I let out a screeching scream causing my ears to throb from the intensity of the high pitch sound I let out. I finally look away and turn to Pa who winces from the power of my scream, and I realize that we have arrived at Pa's house. Pa recovers and scowls at me and scolds me to never do that again before leaving me alone in the car.

Out of fear of seeing a hallucination of Curt again I scramble out of Pa's car and into his house and into my room to catch up on my latest read when two hours have passed and Pa comes rushing in. I set down my book and look at him quizzically.

"What are you doing?" he demands. "Get ready for dinner with the Hendersons."

I hesitantly pick up my book and start to pick up from where I left off when Pa takes my book away. Frowning, I try to retrieve my book back but Pa holds out a hand to stop me.

"I'll give it back to you once you're dressed properly," he promises.

Taking his word, I sigh frustrated but reluctantly get up and head for my closet. I hear footsteps behind me and when I turn around I half expected my book to have been put down but unfortunately Pa is going along with what he said. Grumbling under my breath I take my clothes and head into the bathroom and take a short shower. When I step out I dry myself off and put on my undergarments and the second I wipe away the mist from the mirror I let out a scream.

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